He pulled something off a shelf and spoke. I wasn't expecting him to say anything, and I was so dazed that I didn't even get what he said.

"I'm sorry?"

"An iPhone charger. That's what you were looking for, right?" His gruff voice rattled through me as he waved the package in front of me.

As I took it, our hands touched for the briefest of time and it felt magical. I could barely speak. "Yes, thank you." I stammered before quickly retreating to the front of the shop. As I walked away, I could still feel his eyes on me.

I paid the clerk and headed out the door not daring to look over my shoulder. I got in the car and sat there for far too long. At first, I told myself I was just getting my phone set up on the charger. After that was done, I didn't know how to explain it. I felt like I'd just run miles and couldn't catch my breath.

He's just a guy, I told myself.

But I didn't believe that for one minute. There was something about him that made my skin tingle. He was imposingly muscular with a roaring voice that should scare away anyone from his vicinity. Yet, I was smitten at the thought of him helping me out. I shook my head laughing. I was acting like a crazy person. It had to be from a lack of coffee. The result of too much stress on the job, maybe?

Sure, he was an attractive man. A very attractive man, but my reaction probably had more to do with hunger than desire. Yeah, I needed a tall cup of coffee and some food. That’s what I chalked it up

to, when I put the car into drive and headed for the tavern.

Chapter Two


When I first saw her, I'd only caught a glimpse of her profile. She was shorter than me, but she was tall with long legs, and man was she curvy in all the right places. She must have been some sort of professional, because she wore a dress suit that was just tight enough and showed off enough skin to make men look twice. And looking twice was exactly what I did. I watched those legs as she click-clacked her way to the back of the store like she had the best treasure hidden between them known to man. Even the sound of the way she walked was sexy.

I followed her to the back and found the guys glaring at her. I knew how they were, and I knew they could be total dicks sometimes. She was just some nice lady trying to get a phone charger. Something built up inside me, and I kind of wanted to punch them in the face for scowling at her.

It was the strangest feeling. Usually, I didn’t care y what the hell they said or did to people, but I had the incredible urge to defend her. So much so that without thinking I was on her, standing not even an inch behind her, knowing that if any of them took a step towards her I'd break their legs.

She turned and slammed right into me. For a moment, she looked up at me and I was lost. I wanted to stroke her cheek. She looked so scared. I wanted to make her feel safe again. I realized she was about to leave without the charger. Of course she was. Why would she stay with those jackasses glowering at her like that?

I grabbed the charger and handed it to her. She shivered as our hands touched. I wanted to kick their asses for making her feel frightened. Though they hadn't laid a finger on her, I had a good mind to snap their fingers, just for them for being rude. I didn’t even care if they realized the reason was that my emotions were raging on first sight of this black woman whose essence had been as beautiful as the open sky.

I watched her take the charger up to Otis and pay, her curves swishing from side to side. My mouth slightly curved into an O, as I watched her walk away. After she walked out the front door, I realized something heartbreaking—I'd never see her again. I'd never get a chance to ask her name. I'd never get to caress that smooth, brown skin. Some part of me found the prospect of that completely unacceptable.

I turned to the guys. "Hey, I have a job I need to head too. I'll catch you guys later."

"See ya, Channing," Bubba said first.

“Alight buddy,” Rodger added.

“Stay out of trouble,” Dirty Neil roared out through his chewing tobacco covered teeth.

I built houses for a living. My work schedule wasn't set, so it wasn’t unusual for me to have to leave to handle business at different times of day. Work was as good of an excuse as anything else to leave the presence of the guys. And far more acceptable to them than what I was about to do.

When I headed to my truck, I was surprised to see she hadn't left yet. I hopped in my truck and drove behind the shop and waited for her to start her car. Everything I’d been taught up until that moment should have propelled my vehicle in the opposite direction. However, I let her get a bit of distance in front of me before I started to follow.

I stayed a few cars back as I trailed her, hoping she wouldn't notice what I was doing. I didn't even know what I was doing. Sure, she was the most beautifully exquisite woman I'd ever seen, but did that mean I needed to stalk her? Clearly, it did.

What was I going to do next? Just hop out of my car and ask her if she had a boyfriend? And what if she did have a boyfriend? I realized right then if she wasn't single, I'd be heartbroken. What if she was single, but didn’t date whites? I’d be equally heartbroken, then.

I frowned into the rearview mirror. What the hell was coming over me? Was she really that great to break every oath I’d taken to my family…my race? Yes, she was. I couldn't even say exactly what it was. I was simply drawn to her. Just some part of me wanted to get to know her. Wanted her really bad. She seemed as if she wasn't having a great day. I pictured brightening it. I imagined having the chance to make her smile and it just lifted me.

After following her for about ten miles, she turned into the parking lot for Moss Tavern. I kept driving. Now, I knew where she hung out. I had figured out how I would see her again. I'd go there time and time again until I bumped into her. If it took a week or a year, sooner or later I'd see her gorgeous face again, and I'd strike up a conversation. After that, I'd ask her out. That little bit of reprieve in my mind had me willing to leave and not look back. I couldn’t wait to see her again.

Chapter Three


I headed into the tavern and found Sharon in a corner booth. She glared at me as I approached, but not as harshly as the men from earlier. "My lunch break ended ten minutes ago, I'm going to have to stay after work now."