I shrugged. “You are doing much better than I did when I first started. You at least got a ball in,” I said.

She laughed. “Well, maybe you should give me some more pointers.”

I smiled. “I’ll do whatever I can to help you out,” I said. “You can break first again and I’ll show you the proper technique.”

“Thank you!”

I racked the balls together and walked around to the end of the table. I placed the cue ball and stood behind her and held her in position. My cock took notice of how close we were together. My body tingled with lust and desire for her. I had to force myself to think. I placed her hands in the correct position and slowly pulled back the stick, in the motion she should use.

“Then let go,” I said.

She hit the cue ball with my assistance. It hit the balls, spreading them wildly across the table and two balls went in, a stripe and a solid. She turned around and I couldn’t hide my surprise.

“Like that?” she asked.

I chuckled, nodding. “Exactly! Now try that again.” I stepped back and watched, as she went for a stripe and easily made it into the corner pocket. She squealed with delight and turned to me. My jaw hung slightly as I watched her go to another one. This time, she banked the ball, so it hit one side, then the next, then hit the ball and went into another corner. I laughed, as the realization came to me. “Um…you didn’t mention that you could go pro.”

She chuckled. “Don’t know about pro, but my dad did teach me when I was six.” She hit another ball in the side pocket, then stood up and looked

at me. “I didn’t mention that?”

I shook my head. “You failed to mention that you were hustling me.”

She walked around the table and grabbed onto my chin, then pulled me to her and kissed me square on the lips. “We weren’t playing for money, so technically I just let you beat me the first game. No harm, no foul.” She patted my shoulder, then pushed past me, continuing to wipe the table clean of stripe balls and effortlessly clearing out the eight ball. She leaned against the table and smiled. “Now, is there some other sport you want to show me how to play?” she asked, winking at me.

I chuckled and moved closer to her. “I don’t know if my ego can risk it,” I said.

“Well, if you’re chicken,” she said.

I put my pool stick down and wrapped my hand around the back of her neck. “I’m not chicken of anything. How about a game of darts?” I asked, before latching my lips harder to hers and hearing the soft moan escape her breath.

She nodded. “Darts it is,” she whispered.

This night couldn’t go any better and I was ready to show her my skill in darts, before taking her home and giving her that foot massage.


Darts apparently was her game too, because she won three out of the three games. When the third game was over, I shook my head and moved to her. “Seriously? Did your dad teach you darts at six too?” I asked. “I mean, if I didn’t know any better I would say you hung out at dives, since the day you could walk.”

She laughed. “I picked up darts through college. My boyfriend had a drinking problem and I was bored and hung at the darts while he hung at the bar.” I opened my mouth, prepared to tell her how sorry I was, when she laughed. “I’m kidding. I did play darts through college, but it wasn’t because my boyfriend had a drinking problem.” She chuckled and shook her head. “That was way too easy.”

I thought back to how I teased her on our first date that I was in jail and she apparently was getting me back. “You definitely had me going,” I said.

“I know. You should have seen the look on your face.”

I chuckled. “Well, since you beat my ass in pool and darts, you wanna go home and get rewarded the foot massage?” I asked.

She contemplated that. “Well, I was supposed to get the foot massage no matter. So, maybe you should reward me some other way.” She winked at me and I snickered.

“Maybe I should!” I said.

We left the bar and headed back to my truck. The whole way back to her place, I thought of ways that I could reward her. There was the whole thought that maybe the reward could be that we had sex for the first time. I didn’t want to push it and I wasn’t quite sure she was ready to go down that road yet. So, I figured we could just play it by ear and see how things went.

We got her back to her apartment, and I walked her to the door. She unlocked it and we went inside. “Would you like something to drink?” she asked.

I shook my head. “Would you?”

She turned to me and laughed. “Not particularly.”