I grinned. “Now you’re talking.” We kissed one more time and he opened his door. He ran around to get my door. When he pulled me out of the truck, he had a loving look in his eyes.

We held hands all the way up to the front door. When we got there, there was a man standing at the door. He nodded to Channing, then glanced at me. “Ma’am,” he mumbled. He opened the door for us and we stepped into the bar.

“Thank you!” we both said.

We didn’t break hands, until we sat in a booth in the corner. We were there only a minute or so, before a waitress came over to us. “Hey there, Channing,” she said, shooting him a bright smile.

I felt a little self-conscious at that moment, but Channing made me feel completely comfortable. He reached out and grabbed my hand and barely gave the waitress the time of day. “Hey, Britt…” He tossed a glance towards me. “Babe, what do you want?”

“I’ll take a Coors Light,” I said.

Britt stared at me a minute, before clearing her throat and looking at Channing.

“I’ll take a whisky, thanks.” He then turned back to me and Britt left.

“Old girlfriend?” I asked.

He gawked at me, then laughed. “Why do you ask that?” he asked.

I shrugged. “I don’t know. Seems like she might be a lion looking out for her cub.”

He shook his head. “You got all that out of a two-minute session?” he asked.

“I’m very observant,” I responded.

He didn’t get a chance to respond, before Britt brought us both our drinks. She glanced at me, giving me a hard look, then asked us if we were ready to order. Channing told her we needed a minute and she turned around and left.

I grabbed the beer and looked at it for a second, before taking a swig and looking at him.

“Not a girlfriend,” he corrected. “We went out once.” He took a drink from his glass and continued. “She wasn’t really my type.”

I nodded slowly. “Interesting,” I said, taking another drink from the bottle.

“Interesting?” he asked. “How so?”

“Well, I just thought big boobs and a tight ass were every guy’s type.”

He nearly spit out his drink that he had just taken in his mouth. He swallowed the rest down, then laughed. “Damn, did not see that one coming.” He shook his head. “Don’t get me wrong. I look for those, just like the next guy. My woman also has to have something else.”

“Oh? And what’s that something else?” I asked.

He tapped the side of his brain. “A big brain. And you my dear have all three.”

I blushed and grabbed the menu and looked down at it, so he wouldn’t see my wide smile. He knew the words to say, and I also could believe them. I wasn’t intimidated by any woman, because Channing made me feel safe. I just hoped it wasn’t all too good to be true.

Chapter Ten


I came to the bar often, especially when I wanted to just relax and get away from my everyday life. Most of the regulars knew me as the person that I wanted them to know. They didn’t know the secrets I was hiding, or the person I truly was. And I was glad to see that Kemara could fit into my world. After we were finished eating, we went and finally played that game of pool.

“Now…” she started. “I’m supposed to chalk the stick like this?” she asked. She did it in a sexy way, wiggling her ass as she did.

I laughed. “Baby, if you chalk it like that, we might never get the game started,” I teased.

I thought it was funny that she was so interested in pool and yet it appeared she didn’t know much about it, questioning things such as why we had to determine stripes or solids. I was glad to show her the ropes, but it quickly became painfully obvious she was only hustling me.

After losing the first game in a total blowout, she started to pout. “I don’t think I’ll ever get it,” she said.