I laughed. “Busted.”

"I love the way you laugh. It's melodious," he said.

I couldn’t help blushing. “Thank you.”

“Miss McBride?”

I turned around and saw Senator Michael Jimmy, who used to be my client. He was in his late sixties, and he was very stubborn and always want

ed to have his way. He was the first client I had, and he brought a lot of business my way. His wife, Maggie Jimmy, was a sweet soul as well.

“Hello, sir,” I said.

He kissed my cheeks, and I introduced him to Ward.

"Senator, this is...."

“Ward’s my boy.” The senator laughed.

“Good evening, Uncle,” Ward said.

“Senator Jimmy is your uncle?” I asked.

“He’s my mother’s step-brother,” Ward replied.

“How did you meet my nephew?” the senator asked.

“He came to my firm and wanted to buy it,” I replied.

The senator laughed again. This time, it came from a deeper place.

“Ward has a good head for business, and so do you, but you are both headstrong. I hope you won’t burn down this hall before the night ends,” the senator said jokingly, not realizing how accurate his words were.

Ward and I laughed along with him.

“Ward, bring this beautiful woman to dinner this weekend,” the senator said. "You should give your Aunt Maggie a call. She's worried about you."

I remembered Ward telling me on the first day we met that Maggie was the first beautiful woman he saw that day. So he was referring to his aunt, and the thought made me melt a little.


“I’ll see you both this weekend. Enjoy the gala,” the senator cut me off and walked away before I could politely decline his offer.

“Are all the men in your family this controlling?”

“We’re definitely not pushovers. Shall we find our table?” he said, holding my hand until we located our table.

The food was exotic and delicious, and the ambiance was great. We were entertained by a renowned pianist. When the event was coming to an end, I excused myself and went into the bathroom. On my way out, someone bumped into me with so much force that I almost lost my balance. I looked up and saw Rebecca Rice glaring at me.

"Watch where you are going," she said in a pressured tone, almost how a drug addict sounds when they want to get high.

Bitch! I rolled my eyes and brushed past her. I was tired of her coming at me any kind of way. She was trying to make me act a fool at this party, and I rebuked it wholeheartedly. I found Ward charming a group of old ladies, and he introduced me to them. They were still blushing and giggling like little girls when he excused himself, and we left the event.

“Are you okay? Did you run into an ex on your way to the bathroom?” he asked after he cranked the car, observing me like a piece of damaged China.

“Worse, I ran into Rebecca Rice. Do you know her?”

He blinked then nodded. “I do. Did she say something to you? What did she do to you?" Ward asked as he gripped the wheel tightly.