“Joe, are you okay?” I asked.

“Including what?” Detective Jones pressed.

“Including lighter and cigarette,” Joe replied. “It was forbidden, and the workers were aware of this rule. I leaned over the window and saw a woman running toward a black car.”

“A black car? A sedan?” I asked.

“Yes, a black sedan,” Joe replied.

“Is there a problem, Miss?” Detective Jones asked.

“Rebecca was at my house yesterday, and she drove a black Sedan.”

“Rebecca Rice?” Detective Murray asked.

“Yes,” I replied.

“Do you know Miss Rice?” Detective Murray asked Joe.

“Yes, I know her, but I don’t think she was the person I saw,” Joe replied.

“Why was she at your house?” Detective Murray asked me.

“She came by to tell me something personal,” I said.

“I thought you weren’t friends with her,” Detective Jones commented.

“We aren’t. She came by uninvited,” I said. “She had something to tell me that doesn’t have anything to do with the fire.”

“Is that right?” Detective Murray asked, raising a brow suspiciously.

“Yes,” I said defensively.

“Mr. Joe, what else did you notice the morning of the fire?” Detective Jones asked Joe. “Can you describe the woman you saw?”

“She had long black hair, and I remember thinking she was hot,” Joe said. “When the gas exploded, the door closed and jammed, and I didn’t have the key with me.”

“So you jumped,” Detective Jones concluded.

“Yes, I had to,” Joe said and looked as if he were remembering that dreadful moment.

“You didn’t see her face?” Detective Murray asked.

“No, I didn’t. All I saw was the back of her,” Joe said.

“We will invite Rebecca to the station and question her again,” Detective Jones said. “In the meantime, if you remember anything, be sure to give us a call.” Detective Murray handed Joe his card, and the two detectives left.

Joe looked at me and grinned.

“What is it?” I asked, placing my hands on my hips.

“It’s you… there’s something different about you,” he observed me closely.

“Hey, I’m still your boss,” I said. “Are you trying to hit on me, mister?”

He grinned and shook his head. “Where’s Mr. Levine?”

I felt butterflies in my stomach at the mention of Ward’s name. My mind flashed back to the last time he made love to me, and the way his hands felt on my breasts. I could still feel him all over me.