“So why was she at your house? What was she doing there? And why didn’t you tell me about her before now?” Mira asked, then her expression hardened. "Look, I don't have time for games. If you want to be with that old witch, it's your choice."

“I don’t want her. It’s you I want,” I replied. “She came uninvited because she wants to change that.”

“You don’t owe me an explanation, Ward. We are not in a relationship, right?”

I paused and stared at her without a reply.

“Exactly! You have nothing to explain to me,” Mira said, waving me away.

“But we have feelings for each other. And I owe you an explanation because you cared about me enough to be jealous when Rebecca showed up,” I said.

She scoffed. “I wasn’t jealous. I was upset. There’s a difference,” she said through clenched teeth. Her phone started buzzing. "Excuse me. I have to take this. You can see yourself out, Ward.”

She turned her back to me and took the call, but I didn’t move. I knew something was wrong when her shoulders quivered, and her hands trembled as the call ended. She turned to face me, and my heart dropped down to my stomach. She looked so broken.

"Mira, what is the problem?"

"There's been a fire at one of my building sites," she said in a shaky voice. "The firemen were able to put out the fire, but Joe was trapped in one of the rooms, and he jumped through a window to save his life.”

“Jesus! Is he okay?"

“I…I have to go to the hospital now,” she said. “Joe needs me.”

She ran toward her car, but I stopped her and took the car key from her.

“I’ll drive you there,” I said.

We didn’t exchange any words on our way to the hospital, but our silence said a lot. Mira was trying to be strong. It tugged at my heart to see her struggling so hard to remain unfazed. She jumped out of the car, sprinting toward the hospital building when we got to the hospital. I ran after her. I could hear her voice from the entrance, issuing commands to the healthcare workers who were sitting around leisurely talking before we walked in. I couldn’t help smiling at Mira as she lit a fire under them.

“Where is Joe Scotland?” she asked.

“Ma’am, he is in triage. May I ask who you are to him?” a short and stocky nurse approached Mira with a worried expression on her face.

“In triage? Are you kidding me? Why isn’t he in the back being treated already? Are you guys doing your job or are you here to gossip?” Mira paused a beat as one nurse attempted to calm her down.

“Ma’am, we’re working on him as fast as we can,” the nurse said.

“Take me to Joe now! If something happens to him, I’ll hold you all responsible!” Mira warned with a cursory glance at every healthcare worker in the room. When I tried to take her into my arms, she glared at me.

“Calm down, Mira,” I said.

“Don’t tell me to calm down. Tell them to get to work!” she retorted.

“Please come with me, ma’am,” a nurse, who I assumed was the charge nurse, said in a firm voice.

Mira and I followed her into the emergency unit. Some nurses wheeled Joe past us, and Mira grabbed the gurney, stopping them.

“Joe!” Mira cried.

Joe was in bad shape, and he was unconscious. One of his legs was broken. There were fire burns on his arms and face.

“We have to get him into the crash room now,” one nurse said.

I pried Mira’s hand from the gurney, and the nurses pushed it into the room. Mira began to pace up and down, and she suddenly stopped and punched the wall.

"This shouldn't have happened," she cried, her knuckles bruised and bleeding slightly.

“Mira, calm down,” I said, grabbing her by the shoulders and forcing her to look into my eyes. “If you hurt yourself, I’ll haul you out of here, take you home, and have my doctor come treat you. I know you want to be here for Joe, but if you do that again, I’m taking you with me.”