My hands wrapped around his neck, deepening the kiss. He grabbed me by the waist, pulling me closer to him. I gripped his hair as his tongue massaged mine in slow and sensual circles. A desire coursed through my entire body, and I drew in a deep, staggered breath in response to the wave of heat I felt flushing through me. He tickled my tongue with his, cradling my face in his hands.

I sought him hungrily, unable to soak in enough of his flavor. My tongue worked inside his mouth deliberately, wanting this to never end. It was like it was only us, the world had ceased to exist around us. At that moment, only he was there, and he was all that mattered. We kissed each other dreamily, making soft, tender sounds as our lips moved with each other in harmony until he gentled the kiss with mere brushes of his lips against mine and ended it. He slowly drew away, exhaling deeply.

“Does our night end now?” he asked.

I pulled him by the hand and slowly walked him into my bedroom. He eased me to the center of my bed and lay on top of me, pressing his lips into the side of my neck. After what seemed like a forever kiss, he said, “We don’t have to move this fast if you don’t want to.”

“I—we can.” I let out a deep breath.

“We can just lay here together, Mira. I’ll wait for you,” he said, running his finger up and down the side of my face.

I looked into his eyes and blinked back the tear threatening to form in mine. When I didn’t reply, Ward rolled onto his side and pulled me close to him. My body ached to be taken right then and there, but I was glad he stilled the moment. He wrapped me up into his arms and held me tight for hours until I heard his light snores against my ear.

Laying there in his arms was better than making love. I felt alive, aware of every moment that passed, and I wanted more nights like this.

Chapter Ten


Mira took me around the site, showing me the tedious work being done. I was very impressed with the pace at which the project was going. She had the best team, the foundation was solid, and we had started making plans for the flooring, and tiles.

"We are going with raised floors to allow easy access to cabling and power distribution," Mira said. Her phone started to ring, and she slipped it out of her pocket. Today, she had donned work boots, pants, and shirt with a hard hat. "Excuse me. I have to take this call," she said, her brows furrowing together revealing her uneasiness.

Mira moved a few steps away from me to have some privacy on her call, and I immediately felt the loss. When she returned, I knew something was seriously wrong.

“What is wrong, Mira?” I asked, fighting off the urge to step into her personal space and pull her into my arms.

“I just received a call from Joe; he told me that the permit to one of our projects has been revoked.” She huffed. The look on her face was bewilderment. “I know who is behind this. I just don’t understand her motivation after we’ve nearly completed the apartment complex. We were supposed to build an eight s

tory complex, which we have done. The only thing left to do is the carpentry and finishing work, and this is the time that this serpent chooses to strike?”

“Who are you talking about?”

“Rebecca Rice! She’s the slime behind this!”

I swallowed hard as images of the hot, passionate nights I spent with Rebecca flashed across my mind. We used to have a love affair, and she was adoring and sensual. Our relationship lasted two months, but it never went beyond her bedroom. She became controlling and started to nag me, which was a no-no. She was the worst woman I slept with; she was a combination of self-centered, over-ambitious, and downright greedy. I found out she was with me to get closer to my uncle because of his political connections. Rebecca was five years older than me, but I didn't think of the age differences when we first met. I was attracted to her, she was mature, and she knew what she wanted.

She told me she loved my body and would like to spend the night with me. We met at a party, she invited me to her place, and that was the beginning of our affair. I spoiled her with gifts and pampered her, but it wasn’t enough for her. She wanted more.

I almost had a heart attack the night Mira mentioned her name. Rebecca was trouble. She could make life hell for whoever she considered an enemy.

“How do you know she’s behind this?” I asked though the idea wasn’t farfetched.

"Joe said the city is saying people in the neighborhood complained about the loss of light, disruption, and noise," she replied. "Believe me, Rebecca Rice is behind this. It has her name written all over it. I'm sorry, but I have to go. Georgiana has set up a meeting with the local building council, and we’ll have a community press conference after that meeting if I don’t get the response I expect. I need to go home to get dressed," she said.

“I’ll come with you. I’ll have my secretary reschedule my appointments.”

“You would do that?” she asked, looking slightly relieved to have me go with her.

“Of course, Mira. I would do that.” And so much more, I wanted to add but left that part off.

“Thank you, I appreciate it,” she replied.

She gave some instructions to Dave, her assistant foreman, and we both drove to her house in our cars. She invited me in and gave me a glass of juice. Despite her tough exterior, her apartment was feminine. It was decorated in a theme of purple, pink, and white. The first night I was here, I missed the décor for trying to get to her bed. The gold and blue wallpaper contrasting with lovely white sofas, pictures of her as a teenager on the wall, and the picture of her and her family had been a blur. Now, I could see that she looked adorable sitting between her father and her three older brothers.

She came into the living room in jeans with a tank top and a jacket. She had on light makeup which drew my attention to her luscious lips.

“I’m ready,” she said. “I want us to go in our own cars.”