
“Ok. I have it,” she declared. He lifted his eyebrows and nodded his head. She took a breath. “Why me?”

“Why not you?” He responded quickly, not surprised by the question.

“I call bullshit. You can’t answer a question with a question,” she challenged. He’s cool. He’s too cool. Maybe he’s been through this before. Well, if he has, he has never been through it with me.

He moved closer to the table to be closer to her.

She leaned forward until she was inches away from him. “Now, I will repeat my question. But allow me to be more thorough.” She cleared her throat and took a drink of the water sitting right next to her. “Why would you choose to take an interest in me when you seemingly have everything you need? No, wait,” she said thoughtfully. “That’s not what I want to know.”

He shifted in his seat and continued to look amused.

“I want to know what you want from me?

His smile slipped and his eyebrows drew together in confusion. He hunched back in his seat. Aha you got him on the run now.

She continued. “I mean, I know you like certain parts of my body, because you have made reference to them on more than one occasion, but is that all you want? Or better yet. . .” She indicated for him to come closer. He did. “Do you even like me?”

He let out an uneasy laugh and retreated once again. “You’re going to waste your opportunity on that?”

“Is it a wasted question?” she asked with a lifted eyebrow.


She smiled and settled back into her chair. “Nonetheless,” she spoke. “It is what I want to know.”

He looked at her for a moment and answered. “Yes, I like you.”


He dropped and shook his head. “If I was an asshole I would tell you I’ve answered your one question,” he said sarcastically.

“Well, prove that you’re not and answer all of them,” she retorted.

“Is there something you’re getting at? Because if there is, you’re going the long way around.”

“No, I’m asking the question, or questions, I want to know.”

“Ok. Um. . .I like you because you’re sexy as hell. I’ve had fantasies about you, about wanting to. . .”

“You do realize that I’m more than a big ass and some tits?” She interjected being purposefully crude.

He laughed at that.

She became annoyed.

The waitress came and refilled their coffee cups.

They sat in silence both sipping the strong brew. Finally, he broke the silence. “Eve, I think you’re a beautiful person. I think you’re smart and funny. I really do like you as a person. I also have an insane desire to fuck you.”

His bluntness, although appreciated, caught her unaware.

Lord, now I’m on the run. She took in a deep breath and exhaled it slowly and asked, “Do you always get what you want?”

“Most of the time.”

“Is that all you want from me?” she asked.