Montana rushed into the room and ran over to her mother. She rubbed Destiny’s leg profusely as she tried to figure out what was wrong with her mother. “Mama, why crying?” Montana asked. “Why crying?”

“Mama, is something

wrong with the baby?” Junior added.

My eyes nearly bucked out of their sockets. Baby. She’s pregnant too?

“Are you pregnant, Destiny?” I asked.

She nodded her head and another cry sat repressed in her soul. I could see the pain bursting from her eyes, but she held it back. She didn’t want to let go again in front of our children.

“Say goodbye to your father, kids. We’re leaving,” Destiny said refusing to look at me.

I grabbed some Kleenex off my desk and wiped away her tears. “I’m sorry for blurting it out like that. I should’ve had more tact. I just don’t understand why Jacob would tell you about me and Justine as if I would knowingly sleep with the woman that attacked you. I didn’t even know it was her because she told me her name was Tracye.”

More tears sprang a leak from her eyes. “I know you wouldn’t hurt me, Montie. That’s why I wanted to ask you face to face.” She paused and the sting of my admission gamboled slowly over her features again. “He slept with her. The last time she was at his mother’s house I left early. I didn’t know what it was then, but now I know it was the vibes from her. Damn it, Montie! I left my life behind and moved into his world and he cheated on me. Got damn it!”

“Dammit,” Montana innocently repeated her mother.

“Jacob cheated on Mama,” Junior said, working himself up so much that his tiny shoulders were heaving up and down.

Dang Montie. Great job, I thought as I scanned the room looking at my distraught family.

As if things couldn’t get any worse, Lissa walked through the door carrying a large bag of take out and wearing a huge smile that instantly faded. “Hey ba—by…” she sang as she stepped into the solemn room.

Destiny’s eyes crashed into hers and flew to mine for understanding.

“Hey honey,” I held my hand out and pulled Lissa to my side. “Lissa, this is my ex-wife, Destiny. Destiny, Lissa is my girlfriend that I wanted to bring to Miami for everyone to meet.”

Destiny’s voice crackled as she greeted Lissa. “Nice to meet you.”

I kissed Lissa’s cheek after introducing her and walked over to introduce her to my children.

“Kids, I have someone special that I want you to meet.”

“I stopped by to surprise you with lunch. I didn’t know your kids would be here. I will leave if you want me to,” she said in response to the stunned faces of everyone in the room, including mine.

“No, baby, I want you to stay. You’re not intruding,” I said in a tone of assurance. I gripped her hand into mine, unwilling to let her leave with any type of uncertainty of my alliance. I also needed her for strength to deal with the hurtful look in Destiny’s red, puffy eyes. Her hand covering her stomach protectively didn’t go unnoticed.

“I’ll wait in the lobby,” Destiny said. I raised a hand to halt her, but she bolted from the room and I heard a series of whimpers as she trailed up the hallway.

“Look Montie, I can leave. It won’t be a problem, honey,” Lissa said.

“It’ll be a problem for me. I don’t want you to leave, Lissa,” I said. Destiny’s reaction rattled me, but I pulled Lissa into my arms. “You’re my woman now and I’m ready for you to be a part of my life and here it is. If I have to hold you like this until you stop saying that you’re leaving, I will.”

Cradled in my arms, she relented. “I’ll stay. You can let me go now. The kids are watching,” she said. “Hello beautiful,” she said to Montana who looked up at her with her big brown eyes.

“What’s the matter my mommy?” she asked, looking to Lissa for answers.

“Your mommy just needs a moment alone. She will be fine,” I answered for her.

“Who are you?” Montana asked Lissa.

“I’m your dad’s friend. What’s your name?” asked Lissa.

“I Tana,” she replied.

“Well, hello Tana.”