“Girl, you and that book. I called you so you can tell me more about Mr. Montie…not about Shonda’s journey to Shondaland. Humph, I could tell from the way you guys were looking at each other at the table the other day that you wanted to jump down each other’s throat and extract tonsils,” said Shayla.

“No, we didn’t look like that.”

“Are you kidding me? The fact that you want to jump each other’s bones is blatantly evident to anyone standing within a half a mile radius of you two,” she said.

“What are you even talking about, Shayla?” I feigned ignorance, though the irrepressible urge to put my stamp all over Montie and brand him as mine was clear to me. I thought about our “date” at the church last night and prayed that our physical attraction wasn’t obvious to the people there.

“So now you’re going to sit on this phone and act like I didn’t see two people salivating over one another. Okay. You tried it, Lissa.”

“Well, you might have seen a lil something,” I said and immediately wished I could take back the country drawl that bellowed out of me.

“The way you’re talking is evidence that he has your nose wide open. Don’t start acting like a little girl in love like you did with Seth. Keep your grown woman panties on.”

“I’m trying my hardest not to fall into the sunken place with Montie, but it is terribly hard. I mean he’s perfect. He loves his kids. He’s kind hearted. And the way he looks at me, honey. I just melt each time his eyes feast upon me like he’s a starving man. What am I going to do, Shay?”

“I know you’re not asking me. The man is freaking edible. If I weren’t married, humph, I might jump his bones. But let me stop while I’m ahead.” Shayla chuckled.

“Yeah, you stop it. You’re already pregnant and, if Antonio hears you talking about another man like that, he might give you a spanking.”

“That wouldn’t be such a bad thing. However, he knows I can still see how other men look. He also knows I would never touch any man but him. We’re good.”

“That’s all I want in a relationship. To be good with a man who wants to keep me pregnant, like you and Antonio.” I laugh. “I want a man who has no excess drama going on, like a wife or a crazy ex. So far, Montie seems pretty stable in those categories.”

“Well, every man isn’t bad. I may be a bit bias, but you’re a wonderful person, Lissa. There is no way these good men are going to let you stay single. It would defy nature.”

“Mother Nature surely isn’t giving a damn about me finding a man right now.”

“She sent you Montie.”

“So, I trust your opinion. What do you think? Do you think he’s the one for me?”

“I think you should give him a chance. Take it slow and find out if he has any skeletons—or other women—in his closet, but definitely try him out.”

“Well, this is rich. I rarely get permission from you to try a man out,” I chortled as my phone vibrated against my hand. “Hey, speak of the devil and his sexy ass will appear. Let me call you back, Shayla. This is Montie calling me now.”

“Get ‘em girl. Catch you later.”

“Ha, I’ll call you back later, sis.” I clicked over and greeted Montie. “Hey you. How are you doing today?”

“I’m doing good. Just working hard and thinking about you.”

“Awe, that’s sweet.”

“What do you have planned for this evening?” he asked.

I scanned my bedroom that was dimmed with only a lamp. I was laying in the center of my massive king-size bed with a huge smile because I just finished reading a good book, talked to my girl and now being flattered by Montie. I had nothing planned for the night but relaxation.

“I took the evening off to finish my book. Now that I’m done, I’m going to lay around and be a bum. I don’t plan to even look at a computer screen for any reason,” I admitted.

“You’re a lucky girl. While I’m over here slaving over my computer, you’re at home playing hookie.”

“Montie, you have to give yourself time to just breathe sometimes. I skipped rest for so many years. Now that I have built my company with a dependable team, I take time off whenever I feel overstressed. Today was one of those days.”

“I guess you’re right. I’m going to pack it in in a little while and get out of here, but I have something to ask you. The Tech World Order (TWO) conference is next weekend and—”

“It is?” I thought of the date and sure enough the event had snuck up on me again. “Dang! I keep saying I’m going to sign up for that. Whenever it comes around, I never make the plans in time. They were sold out last year when I considered it.”

“Then what I have to ask will be pleasant news to your ears. I have two tickets and would love for you to go to Tokyo with me to the conference,” he said.