“How are you doing this afternoon?” I addressed the question to both ladies, but my eyes were glued to Lissa’s. Her smooth mocha brown skin coated with a hint of shimmer shined bright under the restaurant’s lighting. I didn’t think it was possible for her to be any prettier. She somehow managed to highlight every aspect of her natural beauty, down to the glistening pink gloss of her lips.

“I’m fine. How are you, Montie?” she asked with a blush rising upon her cheek as I took the seat next to her. I thought it had been the liquor after our date that made her so happy to be around me, but no…I she was feeling me the way I was feeling her.

“I’m having a great day, now,” I replied. “Have you guys ordered yet?”

“Yeah, because my man here is starving,” Mario interjected. “I’m sure he’ll be ready to go if the food is not out in ten minutes, right Montie?”

“No, I can wait,” I shot Mario a glare that let him know to chill out.

“That’s good to hear,” he said with a slight chuckle. “Cause when we came in here you said you wouldn’t wait no longer than fifteen minutes.”

“That was then. Now, I’ll wait on the food, however long it takes,” I said narrowing my eyes at him. He threw his hands up in neutrality and looked at Lissa and then back at me. Now, both Mario and Shayla were scrutinizing us with their questioning gazes.

“So how do you two know each other?” Shayla broke the loud silence.

“Montie is the owner of True Color Technology, the company I closed the deal I was telling you about last week.”

Shayla’s right brow rose. “Oh, so this is Mr. Brown?”

“Yes,” Lissa answered.

Shayla went back to sipping on the glass of water in front of her. “Nice to meet you,” she said when she placed it back on the table.

“Montie, we’ve already ordered. When the waitress comes back, you can place your order,” Lissa said as I scanned the menu. When the waitress returned, Mario and I placed our orders. I decided on a burger and fries, which was the first thing I saw that looked good.

“I’ll have the chicken salad,” Mario told the waitress. “I’m his physical trainer who is totally appalled by the hamburger and fry thing he’s doing to his body,” Mario added, which caused Shayla to laugh.

“You’re funny,” she said.

“Yes, he is a jokester,” I admitted.

We kept the conversation light over the next few minutes. The waitress came back to the table with a salad for Lissa, a humongous plate of fries covered with chili and cheese for Shayla, Mario’s salad and my hearty burger. One hour later, my ravenous appetite was quenched and I had my fill of hanging with the two, beautiful, smart and witty ladies—oh and Mario too.

“I hate to see our time together come to an end, but I have 3 p.m. doctor’s appointment,” Shayla announced as she gathered her purse.

“I guess I should go too. I have work that’s not going to get done by magic,” Lissa said to her friend. “I enjoyed having lunch with you, Montie.”

“And what about me?” Mario pouted.

“I enjoyed your company too, Mario,” Lissa said.

“You both were entertaining,” Shayla threw in.

“Thanks, it was nice meeting both of you ladies. We have to do this again some time,” Mario said.

“Yes, we should meet up here again soon,” Lissa said, looking in my direction.

“Most definitely,” I drank her in. Silently, I let her know she wasn’t getting rid of me any time soon. She responded with a slight moan that sent a surge of energy to my center. Damn right, we’re going to do this again. Next time, alone.

Lissa’s brown eyes scanned the room. “Where is the waitress with our ticket?”

I pointed to the kiosk in the center of the table. “I already settled the tab, so we’re good.”

“Montie, you didn’t have to pay for our food. We could have gotten it,” Lissa said.

Mario helped Shayla wobble from her chair to a rocky stand. “Yeah, we could have paid, but thanks,” Shayla agreed.

“It’s really not a problem, at all. What kind of a man do you think I am? Of course, I bought you two beautiful ladies lunch. This was the highlight of my day.” Helping Lissa from her seat, I added, “And, we must get together soon to spend more time together.”