Work was my midnight passion. I had gotten used to not thinking about the prospect of any other love. Having confided my thoughts about Montie to Shayla, I still hadn’t convinced myself to never cross the line with him. However, when she left my office and I was alone again, I forbade the memories of Montie to enter my mind for the remainder of the day as my team and I worked diligently on the Holistic Medical software.



Hard Work

“Why if it isn’t Mr. Montie Brown of True Colors Technology! I was beginning to think your true colors were dodging my phone calls,” Mr. Bromage’s sarcasm greeted me when I entered his office on a surprise visit. Certain that the contents of my briefcase would make him a very happy man, I cracked a half grin and planted a firm handshake on him.

“Mr. Bromage, I haven’t been dodging your calls. I’ve been working. That’s what software coders do; we work behind our computers and leave the phone conversations to our assistants,” I corrected him in a tone that brooked no further bloviating.

“Well, I’ve been calling and leaving messages with your secretary. She said you were busy each time. I expect an open line of communication with all of my service providers,” Mr. Bromage said.

“Shalanda’s able to answer any questions that you may have in the future. She’s as knowledgeable about your project and any questions that you may have as I am. If there’s something she can’t answer, she’ll find the answer and get it to you within the hour.” A few moments of dead silence lingered between us before he looked at my briefcase. “On a different note, I think you’ll be more interested in what I was able to produce for you.”

“Touché.” Mr. Bromage pointed to the seat in front of his desk then walked around and sat behind his.

“As you know, I promised your software in one month with a stretch goal of two weeks.” I began unlatching my briefcase. “I’m pleased to present the final product to you today, ahead of schedule and under budget.”

“You have it ready now?”

I nodded.

“That’s worth the wait and all the missed calls, Mr. Brown. When can we get it loaded on our computers,” he squeaked out an octave higher than his usual voice.

“First, we need to test it out. Would you have time to do that, if we set up a test environment on one of your PCs?”

“Are you kidding? I have nothing but time for this, hold on.” He picked up his phone and dialed a series of numbers. “I need for you to reschedule any meetings I have on the book and hold my calls until I tell you different…okay…thanks!”

“I see I’m not the only one who holds calls to handle important business,” I joked.

He laughed and gave me a curt nod. “Touché again. Follow me into the coders’ office, and let’s take a look at this program.”

Three hours later, the software was thoroughly explained to Mr. Bromage and his staff. Accompanying directions were gone over in detail by Mr. Bromage and his management team. The design was vibrant and seamless, and everyone was pleased. His team navigated through the different systems within the first thirty minutes without much assistance. My team, along with the help of Lissa’s company, had created a masterpiece. I patted myself on the back as I walked out of Mr. Bromage’s office with a six-figure check and the promise to use our licensed software for more offices, both new and established.

“Lissa,” I called to tell her the good news and she answered on the second ring.

“Montie, how did it go?” she asked, her excitement barely contained.

“Knocked it out the park. He’s bought licenses for their network and will use the software for all new offices to come,” I said, with a smile that could stretch from Georgia to Alabama.

“This is celebration worthy,” she said before I had the chance to ask her to dinner.

“That’s why I called to ask you out to dinner,” I said.

“Give me about an hour and I’ll meet you somewhere. Where do you want to go?”

“Meet me at Debonair’s on Parkway Drive.”

“I’ll see you there in thirty,” she hung up.

I called Shalonda and asked her to set everything up for our late lunch date. I also invited her to join us, since she helped to make this success possible. Shalonda had a doctor’s appointment that she couldn’t miss, so she declined my offer. Lissa and I would be dining alone. That was a prospect I wasn’t disappointed about at all.

I drove to the bank to deposit Bromage’s check and to

have one drawn up for Lissa’s company. When I walked into Debonair’s thirty-five minutes later, Lissa was seated at our reserved table looking stunning. I stood by the bar and stared at her. She wore another of her signature navy blue dresses with an oversized red belt that fit snuggly around her small waist. She sat poised tapping her red heels against the tile floor and sipping on a mimosa. Her lips wrapped around her straw leaving traces of her golden gloss. What I wouldn’t give to be the soda flowing through her straw, being sucked up inside of her and becoming one with her composition. I shook that notion away and used mind over matter to will the erection burgeoning in my slacks back under control. Finally, I moved in her direction.

“Do you mind if I join you?” I asked with the sneer of a winner.