The thought of flaunting around with Montie like he was mine sent tingling sensations all through me. He wasn’t who I wanted by far, but he damn sure was my best pawn in this dirty game of love and hate.

“Tracye…” he called my fake name, his velvet voice climbing all over one side of me and down the other, warming me to my core. I stood over the bed with my hand on one hip cocked to the side. I stared at his sexy, plump lips as they curled to call out to me. “Girl, you need to get your sexy ass back in this bed,” he roared out in a morning rasp.

What was Destiny thinking when she left this man? His strong jaw line, thick brows, and tall, hard frame caused something to shift inside of me. I liked the way he smiled up at me when he called me by my alias. I pushed that reaction aside, refusing to let whatever feeling I was having resonate.

Shaking myself out of the scene where I forgot everything that had ever been programmed into me and fell for a black guy, I lied, “No, I have a meeting to attend this morning.” I would say anything to get out of claws of the chocolate king lying before me.

He ignored my reply and pulled me down onto the bed. “We’re staying in this bed today, so cancel it. I want some more of you.”

“No, I really have to go—” the last word captured within his luxurious lips. He simultaneously reached over to grab a rubber off the nightstand, slipped it over the perfect hunk of meat between his beautifully sculpted thighs. I should get out of here before…before…

He flipped me over and crammed every inch of mountainous pleasure into my aching hole. I couldn’t figure out why Destiny left this man alone. Jacob was one in a million and Montie was just as magnetic. I gripped the sheets beneath me and screamed out his name as he proved to me the many reasons why I hated Destiny. She was privy to two powerful men who gave their woman endless pleasure and both would give the world to her.

We spent an hour making pleasurable memories that would be my dark secret for the rest of my life. I was up getting dressed to leave when I asked, “When are you leaving to go back to Atlanta?”

“I’ll be here a few more days. I have my daughter’s birthday party today and then a rehearsal dinner and wedding to attend a few days after that.”

“Wow, that’s a lot going on. Are you in a wedding?”

“No, but I’ve been invited to enjoy the festivities,” he said with sarcasm, and a pained look covered his face.

“What’s that look for?”

He focused his attention on me. “I’m only enjoying the view of you sliding on your panties. Is that the look you’re talking about?” he asked and a sly grin danced at the corners of his mouth.

“I see you checking me out, but I was talking about the look on your face when you mentioned the wedding. You don’t seem happy about your invitation. Do you want to talk about it?” I pried, hoping that he would give me some idea of where he stood on Jacob and Destiny’s relationship


“Nah, I’m good. I just want to get these events over as quickly as possible, so I can get some more of what I really want.” He trained his hungry glare upon my breasts as I clasped my bra on tightly.

“Oh, yeah?” I asked in a teasing tone while batting my eyes playfully. “What on earth might that be?” I picked up a pillow and tossed it at him as he stalked toward me. Montie wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my neck. I struggled free and stared at his charming smile.

“I would love to hang out with you more before I leave. Would you like that?” he asked.

“I would like that more than anything,” I said and slid my barely there skirt up my thighs and over my hips. Montie’s chestnut orbs followed the path of the fabric until I was covered.

“I just thought of something,” he began. “I don’t have a date to the rehearsal dinner or the wedding. Would you like to come along with me?”

“Oh yes! I’d love to!” I yelled before he could get the full invite out. I jumped up and down and leaped toward him so excited that he had to think I was a fruit basket. I managed to settle down before I blew my cover. “I mean, I would love to spend more time with you, that is,” I said in a calmer tone. I couldn’t wait to tell Mommy that I’d be crashing Jacob and Destiny’s rehearsal dinner.

“Well good. I’m glad that you’re excited about going out with me again. Write your phone number on the scribble pad by my bed and I’ll call or text you with the details.”

I gazed up into his eyes and pulled his face down to meet mine by his ears. I placed a kiss on Montie’s lips. A super-sensual moment passed between us, as I thanked him for inadvertent assistance in getting my future husband back. All I could think of was reuniting with Jacob. I imagined that it was Jacob bestowing such a heartfelt caress against my lips.

“Mmmm, I really can’t wait until we link up again now,” he said, squeezing my butt and pulling me closer to his rock-solid erection.

“I can hardly wait myself,” I said and skipped over to the pad and wrote down my details. “I’ll be waiting on your text. I left my number on your nightstand,” I said when I left his suite with renewed faith that I would somehow, someway be able to get close enough to Jacob to convince him that we belonged together.



Party Pooper

When she closed the door to my room, all I could say was “damn.” I would never forget my first night in Miami thanks to her. Tracye managed to keep my mind off Destiny the entire night. The sexy blond siren had my full attention and I looked forward to spending more time with her.

I hopped in the shower and got dressed for Montana’s birthday party. I donned a fresh pair of black jeans, a brown Polo shirt, and black tennis shoes. I couldn’t wait to see my little princess.