“Well, Elijah,” she said offering a sad smile. “I did that before and it didn’t quite work out like I wanted.” Damn I remember that smile.

“Ah, you remembered my name.” He answered with mock surprise. “Two years is a long time.” His smile broadened. “Well, can I tell you that you look better than ever?”

“I could never forget your name,” she said, taking off her glasses and revealing deep brown soulful eyes. “And I have more scars from you than even I will admit to and some that will never let me.” She whispered to address the latter comment.

He cocked his head questioning. And she took in Elijah’s handsome face. Damn, this man will forever be fine.

They stared in awkward silence.

Elijah finally spoke. “I’m still working here in the city although I do have another offer on the table. Some would say that it is an offer that I can’t refuse.”

That was such a random thing to say. I have never experienced him seemingly so uncomfortable, she thought. “You know those offers you can’t refuse sometimes are not what they promise.” She paused letting her words stand between them, and then she looked down at her watch again. “I have to go. I hope that all your endeavors work for your good.”

“I do too.” Elijah answered with a suggestive meaning.

Eve started adjusting the bags in her hands. “It was nice seeing you Elijah. Take care.”

Eve turned around and began to walk away. She didn’t hear him behind her so when he touched her chills skipped along her spine and somehow settled in her stomach. His touch had that everlasting affect. She turned and looked up into his eyes.

“Eve, I was thinking...”

Eve smiled removing his hand from her arm and placing her shades on her face. “No Elijah, don’t think. That is what got us here.”

What is really going on?

Chapter 1

Eve Newborn ran around her bedroom looking for her shoes. He would be there any minute and she wanted to be ready. Why was she nervous? While looking at her hair in the mirror, she grimaced. Don’t worry about it. You look fine. It’s not like you’re trying to impress him. It’s just ice cream. She ran her hand over her nutmeg-colored skin and through her tawny locks. Your skin is looking the bomb, girlfriend. She smiled at her image and pulled her hair back into a ponytail, slicking the fly away hairs with a little gel. Finally, she grabbed her shoes and headed toward the living room.

“You wearing that?” Her sister, April, held a pint of ice cream as she fired the question from the doorway of the bedroom. April was a younger version of her older sister except her hair was like coal and she had a much rounder face.

“Yeah. Why?” Eve asked looking down at her dress. It was loose fitting and comfortable. “I shouldn’t?”


shook her head. “You look fat.”

“Well, what am I going to wear?” Eve panicked. She went back into her closet.

April moved into the room and plopped down on the bed. She often stayed with Eve when she and her boyfriend were fighting. It was always the usual drama and Eve didn’t understand why April put up with it, but she didn’t push and she always made it understood that if her little sister needed her or a place to stay she was more than welcome.

However, Eve was always a bit self-conscious about her curvaceous figure and April’s commentary sent her into a tizzy. “He’ll be here.”


“Elijah Mann,” Eve said coming out of her closet with a hand full of clothes.

“Mann? Is he white?” April asked scooping ice cream into her mouth.


“I guess it really doesn’t matter,” April shrugged. “It’s not like he is your man-or is he your man?”

“No April, he’s not my man,” Eve said rolling her eyes. “He’s the guy I told you about that came to town as a consultant, remember?”

“Oh yeah,” April said and put the empty container on the bedside table. She then began chipping fingernail polish off her red painted nailbeds. “So why are you two going out and is he married?”

“No,” Eve said watching her sister flick the ruby colored shavings on to her comforter and area rug. “No,” she restated, distracted by her sister’s actions. “He’s not married.”