by Jayla Hawkins

Chapter One

It was 2:00 p.m. on June 17, 2012. This very moment was everything Roxanna had dreamed. For a few seconds, she stared at the door her father had just exited before walking toward the mirror. She closed her eyes and took a couple of deep breaths. A slight clunk caught her attention, and she glanced over her shoulder. No longer hearing anything, or seeing anyone, she turned forward and her head tilted up, her eyes closing once more.

"This is it," she whispered to herself. "Today is the day I..." her voice was cut off by a gasp mixed with a choked scream escaping her throat.

She felt two large and rough hands enclose around her neck. Her panicked hazel and gold eyes shot to the mirror in front of her, and she froze in horror and shock. A black mask covered most of the person's face except for two roughly cut holes around the eyes. Bright blue eyes were the last thing she saw before black dots started covering her vision.

One hand left her neck to drag a tight cloth over her head onto her mouth. Her breath was once again taken as she was pushed hard onto the floor. She felt a body get on top of her and roughly yank her arms back, tying them tightly behind her back. Suddenly, she was hefted up onto a sharp shoulder as her kidnapper ran toward the window on the left side of the room. The glass shattered as he broke through the window and Roxanna heard a scream come out her mouth. Her body bounced up and down slightly as he ran away from the church and down the street. She finally felt a solid surface when she was thrown into a trunk, the hard metal slamming on top of her. She stared through a hole in the trunk, watching the church, her fiancé, and her family get further away. Sobs left her as the situation finally caught up to her, her shock slowly fading. Tears poured down her cheeks as she curled in on herself.

"Would you shut up back there," a harsh voice growled out from the front seat, making her eyes snap open.

She ran her tongue over the cloth covering her mouth, making it wet so she could maneuver it.

"What do you want me with me? Let me go!" Roxanna yelled as the cloth slipped over her bottom lip. She knocked her feet against the floor in protest of her captivity.


The vehicle suddenly stopped, and she tumbled onto her side. The trunk opened, and she glimpsed nothing but trees before a tall body blocked it. Because the sun was right behind him, she couldn't make out his features completely, except his eye color and strange curved but large ears. The man climbed into the trunk and knelt over her. His bright blue eyes glared down into her own hazel and gold eyes before he slapped her soundly across the face. More tears poured down her cheeks as a bright red mark appeared on her left cheek.

"Now, I'll ask you again. Will you shut the hell up?"

She scowled at him through her tears and spat in his face. The man growled out a curse and wrapped one hand around her neck. His right hand reached down and pulled up the full skirt around her legs. Her eyes widened in shock, and she started struggling and yelling. The hand around her neck tightened and her screams changed to choked whimpers.

Nick please, she thought to herself as her eyes closed in pain. Please help me. Please.

She felt her legs being forcibly spread apart and she started to sob again. Her cries were shaky and breathless. She could barely get any air down her windpipe. Black spots danced in her vision, and she soon passed out, just as the man above her forced his way into her body.


"I know you're awake, so you better open those lovely eyes of yours and listen up," the man said with grim authority.

She held back a groan as she slowly opened her eyes. She scanned her surroundings, and nothing stood out besides the oddly painted door situated behind her kidnapper. She watched with fearful eyes as he walked closer to her. Her heart sped up as he reached a hand up. Her eyes shot to his face, and she barely held back a gasp. She took in his slightly thin, pink lips and wide nose.

It…but it can't be, she thought to herself.

He traced the hand mark on her cheek, ignoring both her flinch and the disgust in her eyes. "Such a pretty face. What a pity," he whispered.

His hand trailed down her neck to the top of her tattered wedding dress. He fingered the edge of the bodice, bringing panicked breaths from her.

"Time for some more fun I'd assume," he muttered to himself.

He ripped her dress in half and watched it flutter to the floor. She watched as his eyes trailed down her body, her skin crawling uncomfortably. She could feel the wooden floor beneath her toes and her arms straining slightly from their position above her head. A slight tug let her know it was the rope that was holding her hands together. He reached out a hand and ran it down her left breast. An evil smile crossed his lips as he stared at her white panties and light blue and white mid-thigh garter. He backed away from her and went toward the door across the room. Her eyes widened, and her breath quickened as he walked back toward her with a long knife in his hand. He placed the tip of the knife in the nape of her neck. His other hand rested on her stomach, lightly tracing the faint scars there.

"These look...quite extraordinary," he murmured slowly, lightly trailing his index finger on a scar going down toward her underwear. "Why I remember one time…” he began but got cut off as Roxanna's foot collided roughly with his stomach. “Argh!”

He hunched over with a loud, strangled scream, the knife slipping out of his grasp. She kicked out at him again and again, ignoring her heels knocking into the wall behind her. A hand gripped her ankle tightly, and a scream left her as she felt the knife embed itself into her calf. Her other leg kicked wildly before a hard punch to her stomach took away her breath and energy. His hand gripped her hair and pulled her head back, scraping her skull against the wall. His warm breath hit her ear as the knife once again rested on her neck.

"You shouldn't have done that," he whispered menacingly.

He pressed the knife deeper into her skin and watched as the blood slowly started coming out. He pulled the knife down the middle of her chest, cutting her white strapless bra in half on its path downwards.

"Beautiful," he murmured softly.

Chapter Two

It was beautiful in Nick’s opinion. Silver and ivory accents decorated the walls and ceiling, and pure white flowers were scattered on the carpet, courtesy of Anastaysia, Roxanna's six-year-old niece. Light blue dresses, each a different style but the same shade, clothed the three bridesmaids as well as the two Matrons of Honor.