The desire within you burned so deep

Where did that part of you go

Did it die, or is it asleep

Maybe I’m starting to lose my glow

Am I too refined…is my age is starting to show

When I walk into a room now

You see me, but don’t make eye contact

Instead of reaching for me, you turn your back

Barely acknowledging my presence

From the looks of things, it would appear

You’d rather I not come near

How did we get to this place

How do we get back and erase…”

Something magnetic jolted inside of me. I opened my eyes and scanned the room in search of Tasha. I stilled at the profile of the man I knew soul to soul.


My poetry spitting lips halted, as my breath caught.

Thinking I paused for effect, the audience clapped and snapped, demanding more. Jacob’s dark, searing eyes insisted the same. A tear fell down my cheek as I silently challenged him with the same two questions that ended my piece.

Then, I found Tasha’s face in the crowd. Her big eyes and sincere smile told me she coached me to the stage to bare my raw feelings so Jacob could hear. Or, was it a simple case of him having his security follow me everywhere I went? Maybe I didn’t lose them like I thought I did. Either way, snaps ricocheted throughout the room, bringing my attention back to the stage where I stood locked in panic. I looked out again into Jacob’s curious eyes and gave him and the crowd what they wanted, more.

“Your attention, I’m constantly wanting

Our passion’s fire can’t be allowed to die

The thought that we could ever be over, the devil is a lie

The fire in our soul is destined to catch

You bring the gasoline baby and I’ll bring a match

Let us live in truth…

Let’s be lovers and do what lovers do

This day

...all day

...and baby all night

I want you

To want me