My heart screamed as I looked down at his picture again. A scowl spread across my face as I internalized the possible indiscretion I talked myself into believing.

No way. There’s no way he slept with her.

“All right, go ahead and be a word gangsta then,” Tasha was saying when my mind returned to the room, bringing my attention to my pledge to get in front of an unfamiliar crowd and speak. She tilted her drink toward me for a toast. “I like that about you, Destiny. You have always been willing to take one for the team,” she added and chuckled.

I tipped my drink her way and downed the margarita. I went to the bar and got a glass of red wine. A few more songs vibrated from the speakers and a few more spirits tranquilized me before the host returned to the stage to send my nerves raving again.

“We have our roster filled for tonight with powerhouse oldies and some wet behind the ear newbies coming your way. I want to shake things up and bring a newbie to the stage first tonight. Would you guys like that?” she asked the crowd.

“Bring on the young blood,” a man sitting close to the stage yelled.

A resounding “yeah” came back from the remainder of the audience.

“Alright! Let’s get started. The first sister came through the door with Poetically Tash, so I’m sure she’s bringing the heat. Let’s snap it up for her as she comes up to the stage, y’all. Come on up and give us what you got, Lady Des.”

Yeah, I gave myself a stage name, and my heart dropped into my panties when she called it. But, a woman of her word does what she says she’s going to do and does it to the best of her ability. I rose from my seat and stole one last gulp from my wine glass. I floated to the stage, arriving without remembering the trip there. I took the mic from the holder and immediately greeted the anxious crowd.

“How is everyone tonight?” I must have spoken too softly. Only a few people answered. “I said, how are y’all doing?” I said louder.

“Goods, fines, and lovelies” returned from the once again lively audience.

“Well, I’m a little nervous. This is my first time performing at open mic, and to top that off, I’ve never spoken the words I’m about to say to a soul. They are not rehearsed and I’ve never written them anywhere. What I have to say comes straight from my heart to your ears,” I said and rubbed my palms together. “Okay, so here goes,” I said and exhaled a heavy breath.

“Speak your mind, girl!” I heard a woman yell.

“Take your time, sister,” a male’s voice accompanied hers.

I closed my eyes and just allowed my subconscious to flow with impunity…

“Baby, I’m starting to feel like

You don’t want me like you used to

I remember when I would walk

Into a room and your whole world would change

It was as if you already had me on your brain

Your best friend couldn’t stand me

The look in your eyes made it plain for her to see

The spell I had over you could not be broken…

The days of your heart roaming from this lady to the next was revoked

All conversation would cease as I walked toward you

I was the air oxygenating your every part

Oh, the intricacies of your tough and tender heart

You’d feast your eyes upon me

As if you were anxiously awaiting my touch

Yearning to feel my body next to yours