“The mother of my children t

rusts me because I don’t get involved in BS like this. Call me when you’re ready to take a blood test, so you can get it through your head that there’s no chance I’m not the father of your child!” He hung up, took a deep breath and walked over to stand in front of me. “Lissa, I fucked up, but it was before us,” he explained.

“At this point, I don’t want to hear any more about it. You should have told me about her when I was telling you all about my past, or when you told me all about yours.” My mood grew darker than when he was on the phone with Justine. I had been determined not to repeat the mistakes that broke my heart to pieces. It seemed I had gone and done it anyway. Our fling was premature and out of bounds. I had to walk out the door and leave him behind. I had to cut my losses.

“Hear me out, Lissa.”

“No, it’s just the same warmed-over bullshit I’ve heard before. Goodbye Montie.” He reached for my arm to pull me to him, but I yanked away. “Just let me go, please.”



Never Gonna Let Go

What in the hell was I going to do with this crazy woman saying she’s pregnant and blaming the baby on me? Lissa would never show me that wonderful blush of hers ever again with those types of allegations swirling around. Lissa wouldn’t so much as look at me the rest of the trip. She stayed in her hotel, refusing to talk to me. She closed me out completely, even changing her flight so that we rode back on separate planes and I wouldn’t know when she was leaving.

“Mario, man, I had her right where I wanted her to stay forever. Then Justine calls with her fuckery,” I said to my friend. He was the only person I could talk about the Justine bomb that just landed in the center of my world.

“I know you said Justine is a cold piece of work, but that damn woman is killer,” Mario said.

“You just don’t know the half of what you’re saying.”

“Oh yeah?”

“Listen, before I went to Japan, Destiny told me the police found Rick, Justine’s ex-fiancé’s body, five miles away from her family’s property. The police suspect foul play and she’s a prime suspect,” I said.

Knowing I’d been in bed with a suspected killer caused a creepy feeling to crawl all over me. When I was desperate for one-night booty to rid my mind of Jacob and Destiny doting over each other, I hadn’t been the best judge of character. How could I have been?

“She needs to be put down or put away. She’s going to hurt someone else if she’s not,” Mario warned.

“That’s what’s so scary about her. She’s lost touch with reality.”

“Man, I say hop a plane and go handle her before she gets to your family.”

“What do you want me to do? Go down there and kill her? I can’t do that,” I said.

“I’m not saying to kill her.”

“Well, that’s the only thing that’s going to stop her. That or prison. She is way past sitting down and having a decent conversation. I just told you she’s a suspect in the murder of her ex.”

“I guess you have a point there.”

“Of course, I do, Mr. “Stay Out the Way.” Isn’t that what you told me to do when I asked you in the beginning how to handle it? Well, I stayed out the way and now a deranged woman is running loose ready to sink her claws into my children’s mother, Lissa, me, Jacob, hell maybe all of us.”

“Call the Miami police and tell them your concerns. Tell them that you think she’s the one that killed that Rick cat, too,” Mario suggested.

“I thought about that, too. I just need to weigh my options.”

“So, what are you going to do about Lissa?”

“I have to figure out a way to get her to understand that I would never cheat on her, but…” I paused as my heart clunked against my chest wall. “I felt something genuine with her, something special. I’m not willing to get her involved any deeper in this Justine mess. I can’t risk Justine trying to hurt her to get to me.”

“That’s understandable, but damn she’s a beautiful woman. I’d hate to see her all alone with no one to keep her warm at night. But I’m sure you want the best for her, so in that case I got you…” Mario teased.

“See, you play too much. If you so much as touch one hair on my woman’s head, you’re going to find yourself in a world of danger. She’s mine,” I snarled in a voice that brooked no further jousting.

“Alright man…dang.”