“I can’t wait for you to meet my children. They are going to love you, Lissa.”

“I want to meet your children too,” I said, while wondering if we were moving too fast. We had just made love and I cared deeply for him. Why was I feeling that it was too soon to meet his family?

“As soon as we get back to the states, that’s where we’re going,” Montie said as he rushed into the bathroom and began shaving. His phone buzzed again and he yelled, “Will you bring my phone in here? That’s Destiny sending the video.”

I swiped my finger across the screen to open the video and a new call appeared on the screen. “I think you have another call coming in. I answered it by mistake, Montie,” I said as a wild-eyed, white woman appeared on the screen. As I rushed the phone to him in the bathroom, she began speaking.

“Montie, why have you been ignoring me suddenly?” she said.

I slowed to a standstill.

“You just get what you want from me and then you’re out?” her voice blared into the room filling it up with the painful feelings that I knew so well. The blond beauty with bewildered eyes went on about how Montie had screwed her and dismissed her. I gulped in air and didn’t release it. I shakily held the phone in my hand listening to what seemed like my experiences with Seth and Jameson warmed over.

“Who’s that yelling on the phone?” Montie asked as he walked out of the bathroom using a towel to dry his face. I raised my hand to stop him from coming close to me. He stood still and looked confused. “Who is it, baby?” he asked.

“Who are you?” I questioned the woman.

“I’m the mother of Montie’s unborn child who will be on the next flight to Atlanta to kick your ass if he keeps ignoring me.”

“Excuse me?” I asked, as an identical bewilderment grew in my own eyes. Surely, the woman was insane to think I would allow her to talk to me like that.

“You heard me right. I’m the mother of his unborn child. Therefore, I think the appropriate question is who are you?” she hollered at the top of her lungs.

“Montie,” I looked in his direction.

He roared like an untamed beast as he pounced toward me to grab the phone. “Justine, what the hell is your problem? What kind of bullshit trick are you trying to pull now?”

“It’s not bullshit. I’m saying that I’m pregnant and you may be the father.”

“Justine, I protected us,” he gritted out through clenched teeth. “There is no chance that you are pregnant by me.”

“It wasn’t enough protection because I’m pregnant.”

“It’s not like you hadn’t been spreading yourself around before you fooled me into thinking you were someone else,” he said. “Why are you calling me with this?”

I was stunned by the way he talked to the woman and flabbergasted over what she was accusing him of. I would have started packing all my things out of his room to take to mine, but I was too amazed by the revelations to move.

“It’s yours or Jacob’s. I guess we’ll find out when it’s born.” The woman sounded defeated.

“No, it won’t be necessary to include me in any findings. If Jacob and I are the only two prospects, I’m sure you’ll have a one hundred percent white child. We didn’t conceive when we were together. I was extra careful.” Montie ran his fingers over his dark, wavy hair and asserted, “It’s impossible.”

“Who is that woman, Montie? And, what the fuck are you two talking about?” I screamed, unable to hold myself together any longer. There was no way the man who promised me he would be different than all the rest was standing in front of me debating with a woman about being her baby’s father.

“Who is that bitch that keeps talking, Montie, and why did she answer your phone?” she asked.

“I’m not a bitch but, if you keep disrespecting me, I’ll forget I’m a professional woman and introduce you to a bad bitch,” I snatched the phone from Montie and yelled at her.

“Oh, I’m scared now, snowflake,” she snapped back, placing her hand over her chest feigning fear.

“I don’t have time to play with children. I’m out of here, Montie,” I picked up my clothes that were sprawled across his hotel room floor and dressed as quickly as humanly possible. “You told me about everything except that you may have a baby on the way. I can’t believe that I trusted you!” I said to Montie as I jerked my shorts over my hips.

“If I impregnated her, it would be the biggest mistake of my life, but it was before I met you, Lissa. I would never do anything to interfere with what we have. Believe me,” Montie said, throwing the phone down on the bed and coming over to embrace me in a bear hug. “I can’t let you walk out of here thinking that I disrespected you. I would never do that to you.”

“If you tell Destiny about Jacob and I sleeping together, I’ll have an abortion,” the woman’s voice blared through the phone again.

Montie stormed to pick it up. “Justine, this is part of your twisted plot to get Jacob back. I don’t see the point of you calling to blackmail me about exposing that we slept together. I’m a grown man and I have no problem saying what I did. You can tell Destiny about us and about you and Jacob. Just leave me the fuck out of it from here on out!”

“Montie, I told you before it will be suspicious coming from me. Destiny trusts you.”