
or and Montana would be a FaceTime or Skype away. I could fly in and out of Miami with ease. So why did it feel like the breath was being snatched from my body?



A Stranger in My Arms

I only wanted to focus on enjoying the things available to me: my health, a thriving business, two kids that were full of life, and a relaxing environment with good music, drinks, scantily dressed ladies, and perhaps a good game playing on the big screen. Tonight, I’d infuse myself back into the world of the vibrant and living. Maybe just being around different people would make me feel better. I went back to my hotel and got dressed in a pair of black jeans and a gray fitted shirt. An hour later, I walked through the doors of the Lapidus Lounge. I had to admit Jacob was on point suggesting this place. The women in there were top notch and the vibe was chill. It was damn near intoxicating.

I walked over to the bar and placed my drink order.

“Can I get a shot of Henny?”

“Coming right up,” the bartender said before turning to grab the Hennessey off the shelf.

“Here you go,” he handed the warm, brown fluid to me.

I downed it and clanked the glass down on the counter. An attractive lady a few seats down caught my attention. Her familiar aura drew me to her. She, too, tossed back shots and stared aimlessly as if she had loved and lost. I guess there really isn’t any happiness at the bottom of the glass. She’s tossing them shits back and still looks like shit. I chuckled.

After thirty minutes or so of watching the game on the screen and watching her, I decided to end our long suffering. I went to sit beside her. Well, misery loves company, so here goes.

“Are you here alone?” I asked because I didn’t want any problems with any random Miami dudes.

“It’s just me against the world, baby. And now that you’re here, it’s just me and you,” she said with a wink. She took another long swig of her drink. Then slowly swayed to the music while in her seat.

“So, I take that as you won’t mind if I sit down next to you,” I said as I smoothly slid onto the barstool.

“It’s a free world,” she sang out and went back to nursing her drink.

I made myself comfortable beside her. “Care to tell me your name?”

Her tongue lingered outside of her mouth for a few seconds after she took a sip from her drink. Her plush, pink lips pouted charmingly, as if they held the seventh wonder of the world. I imagined all types of things she could do with them to make me forget all about Destiny.

“I’m Tracye.”

“Nice to meet you Tracye, I’m Montie,” I said, turning to the bartender. “Give her one more of whatever she’s drinking. I’ll take a Henny and coke this time.”

“Thanks for the drink, Montie. You don’t look like you’re from around here,” she said as she swooshed her blond hair around to the other side of her face.

“Is it that obvious?”

“Yeah,” she said with a laugh that I joined in on.

“Well, I’m from Atlanta. I’m here for my daughter’s birthday.”

“Oh, you have children?”

“Yeah, I have two children.”

“Do you have any pictures of them?”

“No, I don’t have any pictures with me.” I had pictures of my children in my wallet. I just wasn’t about to show them to someone I just met – no matter how plump her lips looked on her glass or how nicely her ass spread out across the barstool just beneath her slender waist.

Damn, she’s gorgeous.

“Well, I bet they are cute, if they’re anything like their father,” she said, giving me a once over.