“I know you want to be here for Montie Jr. tomorrow. I will record the game and send it to you as soon as it’s over,” she said.

“I would like that.”

“Montie, I have something else to tell you,” her voice shook as she spoke and that put me on high alert. What else was going on with her?

“Is everything okay?” I asked, concerned.

“No, it’s not. Do you remember Justine?”

“Yeah.” My heart rate increased and my palms grew sweaty at the mention of Justine. I could’ve lived my entire life without hearing about her again, and I would be just dandy. “Jacob’s ex, yeah, I remember her,” I said.

“Well, she was to marry this man named Rick and on their wedding day he left her at the altar. Justine and Jacob had been best friends since they were children, so he comforted her afterwards and they started dating,” she paused and only heavy breathing could be heard on the line.

“What does this have to do with anything that’s going on now?” I prodded.

“Hi…his remains were found in the woods five miles away from Justine parents’ estate.”

“Whose remains, Rick’s?”

“Yes. She killed him. I know she did,” Destiny cried out, finally releasing the explosive tension she’d been holding since I called her. “I’m so afraid that she’s going to try to do something to me or the kids. Jacob has hired extra security, but I don’t know what to do to calm down.”

“Has she tried to contact you?” I fished.

“No, we haven’t heard anything from her. I think that’s the scariest part. It feels like the quiet before the tornado.”

My conscience nudged me to let her know I spent one long night screwing Justine senseless. I also needed to spill Justine’s revelation about sleeping with Jacob. Honesty meant a lot to me, but Destiny had enough to worry about at the moment. Adding mine and Jacob’s affairs with the deranged, lying bitch would further overwhelm the situation.

A woman like Justine being infatuated with Destiny’s life was a strong indication that she, along with Montie Jr. and Montana, were in danger. And, hell, Jacob would be the next one in the woods lifeless if he wasn’t careful. I balled my fists into powerful knots as I growled. I had to take Justine down before she harmed someone I loved.

“I’m cancelling my flight and coming to Miami,” I said.

“No, no. That’s not necessary, Montie.”

“Destiny, I won’t spend the weekend worried about you guys.”

“No, I won’t let you cancel your plans. Go to your conference. We’ll be fine. Security is on every corner of our property. Jacob is working from home and hasn’t left my side since the news broke about Rick.”

“Are you sure? Because if something happens to my children, it’s going to be hell to pay, Destiny. I’m going to lose it.”

“Montie, you forget I’m their mother. I feel the exact same way. I’m sure we’ll be fine though. I only told you about Justine because I wanted you to know what we were dealing with down here. I don’t want to give her the power to stop us from living. I want you to be happy, and worrying about us is not going to accomplish that.”

“How can I be happy while I’m worried about you and the kids? Now isn’t a good time for me to leave the country. I’m worried that the crazy bitch will try something.” The thought of disappointing Lissa weighed heavily on me, but I would do anything to protect my family.

“Montie, I can’t stop living because of Justine. I just have to have faith, mace, and put on a good face. And, I’m ordering you to do the same thing. Go to Japan.”

“Destiny,” I blew out a gush of air. “I will go if you promise to take the kids to your mother’s for the time being. When I get back to the states, I’ll bring them to Atlanta with me for a while.”

“That’s the same thing Mama said for me to do. I’m taking them over to her house after the game tomorrow. John has hired security for her too.” She paused. “Thanks for caring about us, Montie,” she said and I could hear the weakness in her crumpling voice. She needed me.

“You’re the mother of my children. I’ll always care for you and my children.”

“I know.”

“Call me at any time, for any reason. I’ll be on the next plane smoking to Miami if you need me, okay?” I asked.

“I will. Goodbye, Montie,” she said and hung up.

I sat with the phone to my ear for a long while. My heart lurching from my chest as I weighed the decision in front of me. My phone rang and Lissa’s face flashed on the screen. “Hello.”