“Good start,” I congratulated her, “but don’t get used to it. That’s all the points you’ll get this game.”

We ended up playing two rounds with Lissa stomping me each time. She really was a good pool player. Thankfully, I had set the rules so that I won, no matter how the game turned out.

“If we are going to be seeing more of each other, you must get used to me winning,” Lissa bragged as she drove toward Mario’s gym, so I could pick up my car.

“If I can set the rules so we both win, I don’t care if you win, forever.”

“So, you think you’re going to like our next date, huh? How do you know I’m not going to take you somewhere and work you like a slave?”

“As long as I’m with you, I’m down for whatever.”

That caused her plump lips to stretch into a delicious spread across her face. “Good, I’ll text you the address to the place tonight. I want you to meet me there tomorrow evening at 6 p.m. sharp.”



The Next Day

I turned onto Washington Street and took an assessment of the barren buildings on both sides of the road. Lissa must had given me the wrong address. There was no restaurant in sight and no place that looked even remotely decent enough to have a date. I pulled over and parked in front of a meter alongside the road in front of an old, dilapidated church and dialed her number.

“Hello,” her melodic voice chimed through the phone brightening my mood instantly. Even if she had given me the wrong address, I could never be upset with her.

“Hey Lissa.”

“Hey, where are you?”

“I’m out here on Washington. I don’t see a restaurant anywhere near the address you gave me. My GPS brought me to what looks like a rundown church.” I looked at the building again and down the street in front of me. There were a few cars parked outside, but I couldn’t figure out which of the buildings they might’ve been congregated in.

“No worries, Montie. You’re in the right place. I’m coming out to get you now,” she beamed out with excitement.

“This is it?” I asked, confused as I continued to look down the street in front of me. I thought surely she would come out of a quaint building that I missed in my surveillance of the area. There had to be an unknown Atlanta hot spot hiding out amid this worn area.

“Yes. This is it, Montie,” she said sweetly as the door of the church opened and she stepped out.

“Oh, I see you at the top of the steps,” I said.

The surroundings faded away. Lissa was one show stopping woman. I just sat there salivating over her shapely thighs up to the tender features of her face. She was the kind of woman a man would follow anywhere.

“Come on in. This is where we’ll be hanging out tonight,” she said once I joined her on the steps just outside the church door.

“This is what you have planned for our date?” I asked with the faintest hint of disappointment in my tone. If her idea of a date was having a pastor standing over us preaching on a Tuesday night, the hours ahead were going to be a serious test. I popped a piece of chewing gum in my mouth and stared at her soft brown eyes. They held the power to send calming vibes all over me. I just wanted to be wherever she was going to be, doing whatever she was doing. But this place?

She stood on her tiptoes and graced my lips with a quick peck. “Just come in with me, Montie.”

I licked my lips to savor the flavor of her sweet lips upon mine. I wanted more, much more. I pulled her into my arms and kissed her again. “Oh, I’m coming in. Don’t worry about that,” I assured her once I released her.

“Montie, we’re at church,” she said looking around.

“I know but I couldn’t help myself.”

“Well, that’s too bad. You’ll be helping others for the rest of the night, so consider that kiss as your prepayment for your services.” She chortled.

I had no idea what she was talking about but went along with it. “Okay.”

“This will be the best date anyone has ever taken you on,” she assured me as she pulled me toward the door. “I promise you.”

I turned her to face me before we walked in. “Lissa, I like you a lot. I don’t want you to be upset with me if I go in here and decide this church isn’t for me.” I felt that fair warning was warranted. “I don’t comingle with judgmental or over preachy people.”