“I guess you have a point there. What are you eating?”

“Walnut ice cream and, before you get started, the walnuts are good for me.”

"I'm sure it's all good for the baby. She needs dessert too," I agreed as I heard the sound of a spoon scraping an empty bowl.

“I just can’t believe how she got off so easy in court," Shayla said. "She’s over there in the psych hospital fooling all the nurses. Everyone who really knows her knows that she's as deceitful as they come,” she ruminated over her friend turned arch enemy.

“Yeah, she’ll be out soon on good behavior,” I agreed. "And when she is we'll be pistol ready."

“Lord, I pray for the world once she is released,” she said and let out a helpless sigh.

“How is Antonio doing?” I asked to change the subject.

“He’s been overcompensating for all the trouble Rhonda caused. I keep telling him he hasn’t done anything wrong and that he doesn’t owe me any special attention, but on the low I love it. I don’t have to lift a finger around here.”

“Pregnant women always get the good treatment. I wish I had a man in my life that I felt was good enough to have his baby. My clock is ticking and I’m ready to have me some babies.”

“What about the man you just went on a date with?”

“Oh him? Lord, we would have the most gorgeous babies,” I said, imagining cute little chocolate children, a girl and twin boys, running around a playground with Montie and I in their trails. Laying Montie down for a night of breeding that neither of us would soon forget was the next thing that flashed through my mind. “I would so let him put all his babies in me," I admitted.

“Dang, he’s that good, huh?” she asked.

“What I know of him is amazing. I would like to find out more about him, though.”

“What are you waiting on? You normally would have at least tested the waters by now. I don't know whether to be stunned by your cautiousness or proud.”

“If I’m being real about how I feel about him physically, I want nothing more than to hop in the sack with him. It gets harder and harder to fight my attraction as each day passes. I’m not ready to cross that line, though. We work together and I depend on our partnership for my firm to make money.”

“Yeah, and we both know sex clouds judgements. I’d hate to see you let it get in the way of you meeting your goals,” she said.

“Right, look at what happened with Seth. I went to his conference to learn the steps to take my company to multi-millionaire status and ended up learning a new sexual position in his bed instead. Sleeping with him was the biggest setback of my adult life. The sex wasn’t worth it, as much as I thought it was at the time,” I recalled.

“There definitely are more important things.”

“Yeah, you would say that with your belly full of your husband’s lovechild,” I teased. "When are you not having sex?"

“Hey, I can’t help it that I’m always pregnant.”

“Antonio won’t give that booty a break.”

“And I don’t want one either,” Shayla’s sassiness cracked me up. She snapped her fingers and laughed with me.

“And yet you call me fast tail. I think we need to reevaluate our labels.”

“Whatever, I have to get out of this house. When are we going to hang out again?” she whined.

“If you're awake during lunchtime tomorrow, let’s do lunch.”

“Sounds good to me. I’ll call around eleven.”

“Okay, honey. See you then.”

“Bye sweets.”

