“But last night you said—”

“Damn man, I should’ve never talked to you about that. You just keep throwing the shit up in my face. What do you know about love when you’re always chasing the next big booty? You ain’t ever been in a committed relationship, as far back as I can remember. Now, you have all this advice for me.”

“I know more than you think,” Mario said defensively. “And, you’re the one that’s always asking my advice.”

"Look man, I might as well go run the block or something. It’s obvious I won’t be able to relieve any stress in here," I said looking around at the people looking content pumping iron and on the cardio machines.

Mario threw his hands up in the air in surrender. "Aight. I was just trying to look out for you, bro. I didn’t mean any harm at all. But since you’re throwing shots and can’t take them back, I know you need your space right now. I need to get back to these youngstas anyway.”

“Look at them,” he said, and I glanced toward the weights. A scrawny kid standing over the weight bench that was supposed to be spotting a slightly overweight guy could barely pick the bar up off the other dude’s chest. “I’m thirty-two years old and I pump that steel better than him. They don’t have nothing on me. How these lil youngstas who used to be football stars in college come in here and can’t lift two twenty?”

“That’s ridiculous. You better get over there and spot them before they both end up in the ER,” I laughed, glad to finally release good energy with my friend and trainer.

“Nah, they’ll be fine,” Mario said as the spotter mustered enough strength to put the bar back on the bench.

"You're right, Mario.”

“I knew he could do it,” Mario said and laughed.

“No, I mean you’re right about how I feel about Destiny. I’m still in love with her. I’m still fuming that she moved on so fast. I thought I wasn’t, but seeing them together, in their home, the life they’re building…it was more than any ex should have to sit through. I hate I didn’t get a chance to claim

what was mine before another man did—a man who I now know isn’t deserving of her.”

“You didn’t do anything wrong, Montie. I want you to keep telling yourself that.”

“I kept waiting for my business to hit this mark and that mark, and never once did I stop and go after what was really important to me. In that sense, I failed.”

“So, what? Now you know what not to do the next time you find the right one.”

“I told you there will be no other right one. She was it, Mario. There will be no second time around for me. I’m done with even trying. From now on, it’s smash and dash for me.” I pumped my arm slowly, motioning how I planned to hit it and quit it from that day forward. “That’s just how it has to be.”

“Man, you’re just saying that mess right now. I’m telling you, the right one hasn’t come along yet. When she does, she’ll have your ass pussy whipped too and pining over her too. You won’t even be able to think about Destiny, because you’ll be wrapped around her finger. And because I know you have good judgment, and have learned from your past mistakes, she’s going to be a good woman who feels the same way about you.”

“Nah, and she ain’t coming. If she does, I’m not cuffing her. Trust that.” We both laughed at my choice of words.

"You saying that now, but when you see her she's going to leave you wondering if Destiny was ever worth the trouble, Mont. I’m telling you."

"Bruh, you ain’t no Dr. Phil," I pretended to throw a blow at him and walked toward the dressing room. Mario was a player, so there was no way in hell he knew when or if I’d ever find love. He hadn’t even found it for himself. I turned to face him when I got close to the locker room. "I didn’t come to whine about women. I came to pump this iron. We gon’ do this or not?” I asked.

“I’m ready. Get changed and we’ll start your warm-ups.”

“That’s what I’m talking about,” I said; ready to work out blood, sweat, and tears.


I meandered into the dressing room, showered and dressed in my suit and tie, minus the jacket. After a grueling training session, I felt one hundred percent better. My mind relaxed and I was ready to go back to the office and superman the day.

“Good workout, man,” Mario said as I passed him to leave. He stood close to the front counter greeting guests as he came and went.

“Thought you were trying to kill a brother on them squats, but at least my head is much clearer. I feel a million times better.”

“That’s what it’s all about,” he said, the anxious look on his face growing by the second.

"What’s wrong with you?" I asked, knowing his reply would be something I didn’t want to hear.

“I want to say one more thing about what we were talking about when you came in.”

“Bruh,” I said on an exasperated sigh. “I thought you were in the business of selling your services for positive endorphins. Didn’t I just tell you that I feel better? Are you trying to stress me the hell out again?”