
Yes, to Me

I laid down on the bed and picked up my book, Year of Yes by Shonda Rhimes. It had been a while since I read a good book, especially one that didn’t have to do with coding or selling software. If I wasn’t reading those types of books, I was studying a new client’s website so I would know the best way to secure a deal as the CEO of the fasting growing software design company in the south, Naytek Corp. A friend referred Shonda’s book to me when I was going through some drama with my last relationship. Boy, was I glad I took her advice and allowed this book to pour into me. Right off the bat, I was enjoying the quirky sense of humor and inspiration through telling of the writer’s life’s story. I reached the part where she said she would ‘say Yes to saying No to people who were toxic in her life.’ I paused and just laid there reflecting on the toxic people I'd said Yes to in my recent past.

“What a way to put things into perspective,” I said to my empty room. “I’ve been saying yes to all the wrong people.”

First, there was Seth Baker, Mr. Smooth as a Chocolate Mimosa sitting on chill on a scorching hot summer day. I met him on a business trip and, by the end of the night, I was singing his name to everyone on our floor at the Hilton. At the end of the business conference, we both went our separate ways but we stayed in touch. We had frequent bump and grind visits and I fell in love. I invited him completely into my world. A gesture he didn’t return. He kept me out in the cold, not letting me know much about him besides his body and where he worked. Seth led me on, pretended to want me more than I craved cheesecake. When I was so gone off him that I couldn’t stand to breathe without him around, I found out about his wife and kids.

Next up was Jameson Brown. Lord, as a side note, I hope he’s no relation to Montie Brown, who I have a meeting with tomorrow. My research hasn’t shown any relation. I don’t even want to be in the presence of his family. I just knew Jameson would be different from Seth. He was a single lawyer, a preacher’s son, and had a milk chocolate physique that just melted in your mouth. We started with a slow, simmering heat, building our friendship before an explosive fire detonated among us. I thought that set him apart from Seth and I let my guard down, until Rhonda, a woman from his past, resurfaced ready to resume their puppy love from grade school. I felt hurt by the way Jameson dumped me for Rhonda, but I also felt sorry for him. Rhonda was obsessed with my best friend’s life so much that she stole Shayla’s husband’s sperm, implanted into herself and had his child. I thought that bit of news would have been enough to shake some sense into Jameson. However, he stood by her side until she was locked away in a mental institution. Knowing him, he’s probably petitioning the courts to get her an early release. Jameson used me as a filler until his bat shit crazy high scho

ol sweetheart returned. Then he ran away just as fast as Seth did.

So yeah, I know a little bit about wasting time. My last two attempts at love taught me a lot. I made myself available to men too quickly. All they had to do was be fine and I was there for their every beckoning call. I had to be more careful in reading a person’s true intentions. Everyone that smiled and appeared to enjoy my company wasn’t into me the same way I was into them. Hard lessons had been learned, but it was fair in the game of love.

How many times had I worked tirelessly to satisfy a man only to find myself at this place of nothingness? Lying there with nothing to show for my affection—not a plaque, a t-shirt, hell not even a thank you for the good time, I knew I needed to turn my way of thinking around. This would be my year of Yes to myself and No to others.

“I needed to read this book. This is good,” I said as I turned the page. I finished off the current chapter and laid my book on the empty space of the bed beside me. Exhaustion lulled me into a light slumber with feeling of liberation from the positive thoughts that had swirled through my mind.

The next morning, I woke up and sat up in bed yawning. I stretched my arms wide and a smile followed suit as my hand came down on the book beside me. I beamed at the gentle reminder that today was the beginning of my own year of saying Yes to myself and No to other’s needs. I got my rejuvenated butt out of bed and headed to the bathroom. After dressing in a cute blue dress with an oversized navy-blue belt and matching blue shoes, I took a spin in the mirror. I was headed to see my new client, Mr. Brown, at True Colors Technology Group and I looked damn good. Confident that I’d be able to sell him one of our consultant packages, I stopped in the kitchen and popped a bagel in the toaster. I grabbed a bottle of orange juice and the bagel and headed out the door.

GPS brought me to a shopping center that held a large department store, grocery store and other businesses like nail shops and restaurants. On the end of the row of businesses’, a huge colorful sign caught my attention. It had all the colors of the rainbow with fluorescent lights displaying the different colors. You are a badass, Lissa. You crush business deals for breakfast and spit them out by lunch, I internally chanted the mantra I had been repeating ever since I threw myself into work after Jameson left me feeling lost. When I woke up from that train wreck of a relationship, I came back stronger with my career as my new love. Knowing that I could bring millions of dollars of revenue to my company annually by the work of my own hands became my midnight embrace.

After reapplying lipstick to my puckered lips, I fixed my face and stepped out into the cool morning. I was glad the Atlanta sun wasn’t beaming down yet. In April, it could go either way. One year, we would be subject to snow in the spring, and the following year be victim to the smoldering sun. I walked into a tidy, modernly decorated lobby, greeted by a receptionist sitting behind an oversized marble desk.

“Hello, my name is Shalonda. How may I help you?” she asked in an upbeat tone.

“Hi Shalonda. We’ve been chatting on the phone. I’m Lissa Daniels. Here for my appointment with Mr. Montie Brown,” I said, holding a folder firmly under my arm as I extended an arm out to shake her hand.

“Yes, we have! Nice to meet you. Mr. Brown is expecting you,” the woman rose to her feet revealing her tall stature. She shook my hand. “Please follow me.”

I followed the gorgeous, slender woman down a short, glossy blue hallway that had splashes of color on the walls. The hall led to an office with the name Montie Brown on a plaque on the door. Shalonda knocked on the door and entered after hearing a smooth voice say, “Come in.”

When I entered the room, uniquely decorated like the rest of the building, the first thing I noticed was a prominent, dark skinned man unfolding from his seat. My eyes blinked carefully, as to clear my vision for the site before me. Montie Brown flashed a mouthful of pearly whites and whatever I had cleared went blurry.

This man would get it…if I wasn’t starting my Year of No to Yes…or is it Yes to No? Oh heavens, trouble loomed and I could feel it all over.

“Thanks for showing Ms. McDaniels in, Shalonda,” he said nodding at his receptionist who returned the gesture and left out closing the door behind her.

With all the colors of the rainbow on his logo and splashed over his walls, I just imagined he would be a little more, I don’t know…he was probably undercover anyway. That’s what I told myself to ward off any feelings from surfacing. But when he spoke so smooth yet powerful, I was once again swept up into his sweet, honey, molasses tone.

“How are you this morning, Ms. McDaniels?” he asked, extending noticeably lickable fingers in my direction.

Oh shit. Time for a pep talk. Lissa McDaniels, if you don’t get your act together, I internally scolded like Shayla would if she were in the room. The ready to play naughty girl that lived inside of me needed a swift kick in the backside. Year of Yes to No…year of yes to no, I internally chided.

“Lissa, you can call me Lissa.” I finally extended my hand to shake his.

“Please, have a seat. I’m glad you could make the meeting on such short notice,” he said, cordial and all business. Following his lead would keep me out of the fantasy I kept drifting off into and in the business at hand.

“When a company like yours calls, we listen. So glad to be able to meet with you to talk about the great things Naytek will be able to do for you.”

“Well, let’s get started then,” he said.

“I understand that you are looking for the right software that will include a coding and billing module, as well as a medical transcription and medical archives link. You want it colorful and easy for the end user to maneuver. Plus, you want something unique to the holistic industry."

Mr. Brown’s eyes roamed over my face. He appeared impressed that I understood the product he intended to create. "Yes, that's exactly what I need, Ms. McDaniels."