“Man, you wouldn’t be able to figure out what’s up with me, if you had stood right beside me the whole time I was in Miami. That's how crazy the past few days have been.”

“Whoa. Sounds heavy. What happened, bro?”

“Well..." I sighed and sat back in my recliner. "It started out with me having to watch dude walk around his fancy house with my wife on his arm.” I decided to start from the beginning and break down the entire weekend, play by play.

Mario cut in. "She's technically not your wife anymore. When are you going to stop calling her that?"

"I know what we are technically, smart ass. But you also know how I feel about that woman. She’ll always hold that title to me."

"Yeah, that’ll change, when the right one comes along and takes it from her." He was always talking sensible, trying to get me to move on.

I was dead set on the facts as I wanted to see them. "There is no other right one,” I said before Mario could say anything else. “But that's not what I called to talk about.”

“Okay, bro, what happened?” he asked.

“After dealing with their displays of affection and their larger than life lifestyle, I had enough and went out to enjoy the festivities of Miami alone, if you know what I mean?"

"That’s what I’m talking about. What you get into?" Mario perked up.

“You will never guess.”

“No, that’s why your bonehead is gonna tell me.” He laughed.

"I got your bonehead the next time I see you,” I joined him in laughter. “No, but in all seriousness. The woman I met and took back to my hotel room turned out to be that white girl, Justine...Jacob's friend."

"The one that attacked Destiny?"

"The one and only."

“You’ve got to be shitting me. Bro—”

"Here's the kicker. We hung out my first night there and hit it off pretty good. I hooked up with her again as my date to the rehearsal dinner…”

“Not knowing who she was at the time,” Mario finished my sentence with me. “Awe man, that’s jacked up.”

“But check this out. Right before we went into the dinner, she made a point to tell me she had just slept with her engaged ex a little over a week ago in his mansion.”

“Wait, so she’s saying she slept with Jacob?” Mario asked puzzled.

“There’s no other way to put her story together, but to conclude that she slept with Jacob. If you had seen the way he argued with her out in the hallway at the rehearsal dinner, you would have automatically known that they had something going on, still. Putting it all together, tell me what you think."

“This is like some Young and the Restless meets Housewives of Atlanta meets Love and Hip Hop. Wait a minute, I know you answered this, but it’s a lot to unpack. Did you say ole girl was the same girl that held Destiny down at gunpoi

nt? The same one that also said she has been sleeping with Jacob? The dude that’s marrying Destiny?” Mario asked, seemingly unwilling or unable to believe the bizarre story.

“Yes, yes, and yes."

“This is a lot.”

“You’re telling me that it’s a lot? I’m the one who has to deal with it.”

“It looks like Karma is making visits, and she’s not forgetting anyone,” Mario said in a low, pensive tone.

“Yeah, since Jacob is a scum bucket parading around like a saint, he’s going to get his Karma soon. He’s about to marry Destiny, but he’s been cheating on her. When she finds out about their affair, which I’m almost certain she will with Justine walking around free to wreak havoc, it’s going to destroy my family again. Too bad his bad Karma is indirectly good and bad for me."

"I don't know about this Justine chick. She has an agenda of her own. You might want to figure out what it is before you get too optimistic about your future with Destiny,” Mario said sarcastically.

“I hear you talking. What’re you saying, though?”