“What did you say?”

“Oh, I was just going to say let’s enjoy each other tonight. We’re all we got right now,” I joked outright, but the sentiment was dead on.

“Deal,” she said and laughed. “Right now, we’re all we got.”

Jacob and Destiny practiced their entire ceremony, including their first dance. The perfectionist wedding coordinator covered every minute move they would make several times, until he was satisfied the event would be worthy of being called a royal affair. Tracye and I stood idly by in the immaculately decorated hall that had a mixture of cream and gold color schemes. After the stress of watching the woman I loved perfect her union to another man, I was glad when Jacob left her side. He walked over to the hors d’oeuvre table to get something to drink, giving me a moment with the most beautiful woman in the room.

“You look lovely, Destiny.”

“Thanks, Montie.”

I knew she didn’t want me to, but I couldn’t help but ask one last time. “So, you’re really going to tie the knot again?”

“I am and it means a lot to have you here. Thanks for coming, Montie,” she said while holding an ambiguous smile. “I want you to be happy for me,” she added.

I took in a deep breath and scanned the room to gather the renegade thoughts running through my mind. I saw Tracye standing beside Jacob talking to him. They were engaged in an energetic back and forth. Knowing her, she was keeping him busy with bubbly small talk. Ms. Clara and John were in the middle of the floor dancing to Made for Love. Hundreds of guests mingled, ate or danced to their heart’s content.

“You look beautiful, Destiny,” I said, my eyes roaming over the cream pant suit that hugged her curves for dear life. “Do you mind if I get one last hug before you tie the knot?” I asked.

“I’ll do you one better.” Destiny’s hips jiggled as she walked toward the door. She peered over her shoulder to make sure I was following.

Damn right, I was. I shadowed her out of the reception hall into the dimly lit hallway where she wrapped her arms around my neck as soon as I stepped over the threshold. I leaned down to pull her close and accept all the love she was willing to give. She hugged me tightly, allowing her body to connect with mine. Why couldn’t she see that she fit so perfectly? We were made to be in this love.

“I love you, Montie,” she said as she stared nostalgically into my eyes. I might’ve been wrong, but I saw her realize the sacrifices I made for our family. I saw her appreciate them. Most importantly, I saw her love for me. “Always will love you, no matter what. I just want you to know that.”

“I love you too, Destiny. Why do we have to be apart?” I asked.

She touched my lips. “Don’t question where we are. We may not have worked out, but you are a good man. I pray every day that God sends a great woman to you.”

“But, you are gr…” I started to say, but was cut off by her fingers leaving and a loving graze from her lips against mine. It wasn’t an erotic kiss, but it was mind blowing just the same. My eyes closed and I took in her essence as her lips slid across mine. Our hug broke and the heart-bonding contact was gone as fast as it came. The look in her eyes revealed that she still cared deeply for me. It just wasn’t strong enough to bring her back to me.

“Thanks for showing me what love is and what it isn’t, Montie. I promise to be the best mother to our kids and to keep you involved,” she said as a tear slipped from the corner of her eye.

“Destiny,” I began, but she held up a hand and backed away from me, walking towards the ladies’ bathroom.

“I have to go,” she said as she fanned her face. “My makeup is going to be messed up if I start crying.”

Following her into the ladies’ room and reminding her why I was the best man for her crossed my mind, but only temporarily. I touched my lips, remembering the softest and sweetest lips I ever had the privilege of tasting had been there. I stepped back into the reception hall to find Tracye. I was leaving Miami and Destiny behind me. I couldn’t keep this tug of war with my heart going any longer.

“Stop it! I said I’m here with a date, Jacob! I’m Montie’s plus one,” a woman’s voice yelled out bringing my attention to a screaming Tracye.

What the… “Is everything alright out here?” I asked, curious as to why Tracye was standing near the exit door yelling at Jacob.

“Everything is just fine, Montie,” she said with quick smile. “Thank God you found me out here. Where were you when I was calling for you earlier?”

“I would introduce you, but I see you two have met,” I said looking between Tracye and Jacob suspiciously. “How do you two know each other and why are you yelling, Tracye?”

She didn’t answer.

Jacob remained silent, also.

“Jacob Turner is the big cheese here in Miami. You obviously know each other already,” I said, patting a man whose shoes I’d give anything to be in on the shoulder. He would have a front row seat watching my son grow into a man and my daughter grow into a lady with the finest woman by his side.

“So, you told him your name was Tracye?” Jacob asked in a dry tone.

“Yeah, that’s what it is, right?” I asked as confusion crept up on me.

“Unfortunately, this is the woman that attacked Destiny. This is Justine, my old friend.”