There I was in Miami, having flown the kids in a day early for Montana’s big party Destiny had planned. She wanted to have a day to take Montana to the salon and shopping for the perfect outfit to wear to her party. In keeping with the truce we made in Atlanta, I was unbothered by the interruption in my summer vacation with the kids. Mostly.

I was welcomed with open arms by both Jacob and Destiny, once we arrived at their larger than life Italian style mansion. I would be fronting if I lied and said seeing Destiny so exhilarated, as she walked around showing off her many new possessions with Jacob’s hand resting on the small of her back, didn’t chip away at my ego a bit.

At one point in my life, my entire life goal was to share this type of dream with her. That was when she was my wife… when we were in love. A love I thought we’d recaptured, when we made love in our old house, while Jacob was in Miami. I had thought we were on the road to recovery. I had no clue this Jacob cat had such a stronghold on her.

I wrestled with my feelings as she bubbled over with glee maneuvering about their massive estate. My children ran from room to room excited about one thing or another, and I felt like an outsider looking in at my family.

I peered out of an expansive window to allow myself time to bite back the bitterness threatening to rise up. I knew if that bitterness made it to the surface, I was going to act an ass and I didn’t want to do that. Not to my children. Not to myself.

I thought about the bright side of things: the next woman in my life would have the best of me because I learned from my past mistakes. Also, I might not have been a billionaire, but my status wasn’t anything to sneeze at. I was good.

“So, man, do you want to go hang out later? I’m free to do whatever. How about I show you around the city?” Jacob asked later that evening when we were sitting out on the patio each sipping on a beer.

Destiny had just texted me to let me know she and Montana were on their way back from the mall. Junior was on the tennis court playing a game of solitary tennis.

“Nah, I’d hate to intrude on your and Destiny’s evening,” I said with a slight grin. “I planned to go out and hit a few hot spots up and see what I can get into,” I added, while placing my bear on the glass table, which made a soft clank.

“No, no, man. You’re new to my city. You have to let me show you around,” said Jacob cheerfully.

“I said I’ll be fine on my own.”

“Cool,” Jacob said throwing his hands up in neutrality. “Well, if you don’t mind me making a suggestion. I suggest you check out the Lapidus Lounge. Very nice, minimal drama, and high security.”

“That’s probably what it’s going to be then.” I stood to offer Jacob a peace offering in the form of a handshake. “I’ll be back for the party tomorrow at two.”

“Sounds good, man,” Jacob said standing to his feet, as well. “And, Montie, I’ve been meaning to thank you for being so understanding about Destiny moving here.”

“Of course,” I said, ready to end the conversation.

I needed a real drink and some real distance from my ex’s perfect little world. It was hard to be happy for them, when I had no one to keep me warm at night. Except for the love of my children, who would soon be hundreds of miles away, my love life was dang near nonexistent.

“You could’ve caused us some problems about moving the kids so far away from their original home if you wanted to, but you didn’t. I appreciate the way you handled things.”

“Listen, Jacob, like I said in Atlanta, I just want to see my kids happy and I know that starts with their mother,” I admitted.

“On that we can both agree,” he said, sizing up my admission. “Still, I believe one good turn deserves another. So if you ever need anything, for your business or otherwise, let me know. I’m here for you.”

“That’s good to know,” I said, doubtful the day would ever come that I would ask him for a damn thing. “Come here, Junior,” I called Junior over to say my goodbyes.

“Are you about to go, Dad?”

“Yeah, your mom should be here in a minute and I’ll be back tomorrow,” I told him as I hugged him.

“Okay.” He hugged me back before running over to the tennis court.

“Take good care of my family,” I absentmindedly told Jacob as I watched Junior run and play. I didn’t doubt that he cared for them after all we’d been through. I just felt compelled to say the words aloud.

“It’s already done. You have my word on that,” Jacob replied.

“Good then,” I said before turning to walk through the house unaware of the environment. I passed the maid who then rushed ahead of me to open the front door as I left.

“Good day, Mr. Brown,” the maid said.

“Good day,” I said.

I took a long look around the house one final time before heading to my rental and backing out the driveway into the light traffic.

Chapter 18