“Do you know what would be neat?” I asked.


“It would be neat if we had a double wedding.” I imagined standing at the altar with Mama and Jacob on either side of me. Mama wearing white and Jacob standing there looking as handsome as ever.

“I always thought double weddings were nice,” Mama said, as she gave herself a moment to envision it. “But we’ll have to talk about it more after John is disconnected from that witch, which brings me to the reason why I’m here.”

“Mama, let’s enjoy the moment and not even go there right now.”

Mama put her hand on her hip. “That’s the reason I’m here, to go all the way there.”

“I know I asked you to come down so I could have you in my corner as I deal with Mrs. Turner, but I don’t want to talk about it anymore. Jacob is upstairs right now talking to her on the phone. I just want to forget yesterday even happened,” I got up off the sofa and walked over to stand by the window. It was a bright sunny day out and I didn’t want to add gloom to it discussing Mrs. Turner.

Mama rolled her eyes into the back of her head. “You go right ahead and forget about what she

did, while she continues to run over you like you’re a bump in the road. I’m not going forgetting anything.”

“She’s not going to run over me, Mama.”

“That’s right,” Jacob said as he entered the room. “Things are about to get a heck of a lot better. Mom is on her way down to the station to drop the charges, and I expect she’ll be issuing you an apology soon.”

A feeling of relief rushed over me. “She’s dropping the charges?” I asked.

Jacob walked over to stand in front of me. “That’s what I said, babe. We can put this entire incident behind us now.

“Hi, Jacob,” Mama said.

“Hello, Ms. Clara,” Jacob said as he turned to give Mama a hug.

“Glad you’re around here handling things. I was beginning to think I was going to have to check Tammy myself,” Mama said after she hugged Jacob.

“There will be no need for any checking. Going forward, Mom will stay in her own lane and we will stay in ours.”

“Look at all my favorite people standing in the same room. I need a camera,” Mr. Turner said when he reentered the room.

“Hey, Dad, I didn’t know you were here,” Jacob said, looking to me for answers.

“Yeah, Mama and Mr. Turner flew back in from Atlanta this morning.”

“Together?” Jacob asked.

Mr. Turner walked over to Mama and put his arm protectively around her waist. “Yes, we’re together, Son. As a matter of fact, I asked Ms. Clara to marry me.”

Jacob protectively slid his arm around my waist as well. We all stood sharing an awkward moment, until Lynetta announced that lunch was ready. “Lunch is prepared, Mr. Turner,” she said.

“Thanks, Lynetta. Are you two staying for lunch?”

“Yes,” Mr. Turner answered for them both. I was surprised to see that mother allowed him to answer for her, while she wore a smile that I’d never seen.

“I’m starved,” I said breaking the ice that was building in the room. I pulled Jacob by the arm to the table where we all sat and bonded for hours.

Chapter 17


The Better Man

One Month Later