I got out and went around to open the door for her. I helped her out the car and followed her through the entrance, which led to the kitchen. “I owe Mrs. Turner an apology, too,” Destiny said as she plopped down on the bottom stair and ran her hands up and down the sides of her dress.

“Yeah, you do. I understand how you must’ve felt being pushed to your limit though. It’s not like this all started today.”

Destiny looked as if the day had taken her through the ringer. The glow she wore when she left the house earlier was replaced with a solemn expression. Her hair was flat against her face and her makeup had faded away. “Jacob…will you sit here and hold me?” she asked, reaching for my hand.

I sat down beside her and wrapped her up in my arms. “You had a rough day. Let’s go upstairs and I’ll run you a hot bath so you can relax,” I said as I pulled her closer to me.

“No, I just want to sit right here for a minute.”

“Destiny, you can’t sit around and pine over this. I won’t allow it.”

“How can we go forward with our relationship if my relationship with her is so horrible? After all, this is the woman who birthed you,” she said.

“Do you think I don’t know my mother? I do. I knew when I started dating you she wouldn’t exactly be thrilled. I didn’t let that deter me from what I wanted, which was you. The question is can you handle all the nuances that come with being my wife?”

I searched her eyes for a genuine answer. I had forgiven her for her betrayal with Montie. I didn’t know if I could overlook her not standing strong for our love again. If she couldn’t be strong for us, then we might as well throw in the towel.

“Jacob, nothing or no one will ever convince me that you’re not right for me, ever again. I promise to love you forever,” she said looking deep into my eyes.

“And I will love you forever,” I replied, running my hand along the side of her face.

“I’m prepared not to speak to your mother ever again after what happened today. I’d hoped things could be better between us, but this is where I draw the line. I think it’s best we stay away from each other.”

“Understood,” I said, knowing we’d allowed too many people into our relationship for one day. I had every intention on spending the rest of our evening relaxing, just the two of us. “Come with me,” I said reaching for her hand.

“Where are we going?” she asked.

“To spend the night in our beautiful home loving on one another like it’s supposed to be.” I could see the apology lingering in her eyes as she gazed into mine. “I want you to also promise that you won’t even think about what happened today for the rest of the night,” I added.

“I will try.”

I stopped in the middle of the stairway. “Trying is not good enough. Promise me.”

“I will not think about what happened today,” she assured me.

We ascended the stairs and entered our bedroom. I went into the bathroom and prepared a nice, hot bath. After lighting a few candles around the tub, I peeled Destiny’s form-fitting dress away from her body and helped her into the soothing bath.

Watching her rest her head on the bath pillows and take a deep breath made me remember why I loved her so much. She was so delicate, so lovely. I took off my clothes and slid in the tub behind her. She rested her head against my chest, as we diminished our physical selves and became one in spirit. The weight of the day’s troubles slowly slid away from our consciences.

Chapter 14


How Can You Deny Love?

“Oh, John, I’ve had such a great time with you these past few days. I simply don’t know how to thank you for showing me such a good time,” I said, and I must’ve been smiling from ear to ear. No matter how much I tried to control my affection around John, I was fighting a losing battle. My true feelings were starting to show through more and more.

“No thanks are necessary, Clara. I’m just glad to see that smile on your face again.”

“Aw, thanks, well, I could repay you with a slice of my sweet potato pie. What do you say?” I said, heading toward the kitchen. “I baked a fresh one last night.”

John rubbed his stomach contemplating my offer. “Woman, I’m going to gain so many pounds, if you keep rewarding me with your scrumptious desserts.”

“Oh, stop fretting and come on in this kitchen and have a seat.”

John sat down at the table and waited patiently for me to place a nice helping of sweet potato pie and a glass of warm milk in front of him “When did you learn how to cook so good?” he asked before taking his first bite of pie.

“My mama taught me everything she knew, so I really owe it all to her. Is it good?” I asked with a blush. After the look he gave me when he took his first bite, I already knew he was in love with the texture and sweetness of the dessert.