She felt her way down my body until she reached my pants and then pulled them down as far as she could. I assisted her by adjusting in the chair. Once we were free of any barriers, she goofily straddled my lap. I wanted to suck her breasts, run my hands through her hair and caress her body. However, she intertwined her fingers with mine to keep me at bay and eased down onto my shaft.

Her wet, snug pussy meticulously devoured my manhood, inch by inch. I could feel her lose control of her tight muscles every time she rose and fell against me. I grabbed her waist and urgently guided her down my shaft. Whatever she’d done that day to tighten her body made her feel amazing.

I wanted to give as good as I was receiving, so I hugged her close and thrust into her repeatedly. “You feel so good,” I told her, when my balls began to tingle. If I hadn’t impregnated her already, this release would be a sure shot. My baby makers were ready and aiming for her heated core as I let go of every drop of passion in my soul.

“Oh, Jacob! I’ve waited for this moment for so long. I missed you so much,” Justine said as she crashed down onto my dick one last time.

Her irritating voice caused my heart to drop into my stomach. However, the imminent orgasm traveling through my loins paralyzed me. It was too late. By the time I pushed her away, my explosion had already erupted deep inside her womb.

“Get the fuck off me!” I said pushing her down onto the floor.

“Aw, come on now, Jacob. Don’t try to act like you didn’t know it was me.”

“I didn’t… I mean, I couldn’t have. I never would’ve let you touch me. I’m calling the fucking police, you sick bitch!” I said as I got up and put on my pants. I felt around for my cell that was on my desk.

“And tell them what? I just made love to my ex? Don’t waste your time or the time of our police department. By the way your body responded to me, you missed me as much as I missed you. We belong together.”

“I don’t miss you, at all, Justine. I thought you were my wife.”

“Keep telling yourself that.”

By this time, I was pulling her by the arm toward the door. “Just when I thought you couldn’t hit any lower, you hit rock bottom. What kind of lowlife sneaks into a man’s house, puts on his wife’s clothes and perfume, and pretends to be his wife?”

“Jacob, you can say what you want about me, but what you can’t say is that you didn’t enjoy every minute of being inside of me. The way you moaned and groaned told another story.”

There was a beeping sound just as the lights came back on illuminating the room. I picked up Destiny’s negligee and threw it at her. “Put this back on and get the hell out of my house.”

“So now you want to treat me like a two-bit whore? Un uh, after what we just shared, you’re going to have to deal with me and hopefully the baby growing in my stomach,” Justine said as her hand fell to her stomach.

“Justine, unless you want me to escort you out of here naked, you’d better put that gown and get out of here. What clothes did you wear here? How in the hell did you get in here, anyway?” I asked wanting answers.

“Wouldn’t you like to know?” she said as she angrily put on the negligee.

“I so tired of your shit, Justine. You are going to make me do something I will regret,” I said, before picking up the phone and dialing 911. “I’m just calling the police before this gets out of hand and you get hurt.”

“Go ahead, call them! But then, you’d have to admit to Destiny that you fucked me and liked it. You will have to explain how your sperm ended up in my womb. I’d love to be a fly on the wall for that conversation.” She let out a cruel laugh as I ended the call.

“What happened here will never leave this room. Do you hear me?” I asked as I gripped her arm and flung her around toward the door. “It had better stay between the two of us or I will make your miserable life a living hell.”

“Oh, I’m looking forward to every moment of it,” Justine said with a sultry look. “But after the hearty deposit you just made, do you really want to talk to your unborn baby’s mother that way?” she asked with a smirk on her face. She smiled as if the idea of her carrying my child had created some type of special bond between us.

“You will never be the mother of my children,” I said, knowing there was a possibility I’d just gotten her pregnant. I pulled her down the stairs toward the front door.

“I’m ovulating,” she said with a smile, once we were at the bottom of the steps. “I made sure the time was right so our odds of impregnation would be higher.”

I grabbed her arm and slammed her up against a nearby wall. Holding her against the wall by her throat, I said, “I could snap your neck and have you buried underneath a fountain in my backyard tomorrow. Your family would never see you again and I would come to your funeral and grieve with them.”

“Jacob, let me go,” she said as her arms and legs swung wildly. She was barely able to gasp the words out. “Stop…”

“I asked you to let me go months ago. I asked you to stop and leave me alone and what did you do?”

“Jac…” she gasped as her swings got weaker.

“You attacked my fiancé and got a slap on the wrist by a fake ass judge, showed up at our dinner with your bullshit, and now this? Give me one reason I should let you go when you wouldn’t give me the same courtesy.”

I was nearing the zone where the consequences of my actions didn’t matter. She was turning red and foam was drizzling out her mouth. All I could see was the hurt she’d caused and the problems she might cause in the future. Then, I remembered the person she used to be before she became a monster. I opened my hands and released her neck.

She went flailing around the room clutching her throat as she gasped for air. “I can’t believe you, Jacob! You never treated me like this before you met her,” she said, in between frantically sucking air into her lungs.