“I thought called him already,” I said through a shaky voice.

“They came in before I was able to leave a message.”

“Okay, I’ll call him when we get there. I know he will come and straighten this out.”

It didn’t really matter how the rest of the evening turned out. Just the mere satisfaction on Mrs. Turner’s face as I the police car pulled away from the curb with me and Tasha in the backseat caused me to ball in anger.

Tasha leaned into me so I could cry on her shoulder. The loud crackling of thunder followed by the first signs of drizzling rain matched my mood. I finally let the tears flow freely down my face.

Chapter 12


A Brewing Storm

“Wanda, thanks for calling me with an update on the Smith account. Use my signature stamp to sign off on the necessary paperwork, and I’ll follow up to make sure everything is in order,” I told my secretary. She was quickly stepping up the bar from being a secretary to being an executive assistant. I never feared that business wasn’t getting handled when she was on the job. She was just that good.

“Sure, I will stamp any forms that require your signature. If anything looks out of order, I will give you a call,” Wanda said.

“Okay, what about that special project I had you working on?” I asked.

“Oh, I contacted Tom today and he agreed to meet with you. He sounded like he was ready to talk,” Wanda said of our old VP of Finance. I had some questions for him about others who may have been working with him inside the company when he embezzled millions of dollars a few months back. I was glad he was willing to talk. I wanted to make sure everyone involved had been weeded out.

“That is very good, Wanda, very good. Is there anything else I should know before I come back in Monday?” I asked, as I looked out my library window. The once bright sun was recoiling and dark clouds were covering any semblance of a beautiful day.

“That’s it, boss. I will call you if anything comes up. In the meantime, enjoy your vacation days,” Wanda said sounding cheerfully reassuring.

“Thanks for all you do, Wanda. I will definitely enjoy my time off,” I said, hanging up the phone. Wanda had to be one of the highest paid secretaries in America, and she was worth every dime.

My next call was to Destiny, which went straight to voicemail. It wasn’t like her not to answer her cell when she was out. I figured she was either driving home or in a location where her phone didn’t have good service. Either way, she needed to hurry home, so I’d be able to keep her safe in this brewing storm.

As time passed, the drizzling rain turned into hard thumps against the windowpane. Worrisome, nasty clouds began to roar, causing mounting tension to build in my muscles. Knowing the other half of me was out in the midst of a storm did not settle well with my spirit.

After a few minutes passed, I called Destiny again and left a new message. When she didn’t return my call on the next three tries, I activated the GPS locator on my phone to search for her location. If she was stuck out in this messy weather, I had to find her. After waiting a full minute for the tracker to scan for Destiny’s location, the GPS locator proved useless. The only conclusion I could come to was that her phone was off or her battery was dead.

“Damn it, Destiny,” I said, after dropping my cell down onto my desk. I sat down and tried to take my mind off her whereabouts. She was with Tasha, who knew Miami well, and more than likely she was just somewhere where her phone didn’t receive good service. I hoped Tasha wouldn’t try to drive if it got too bad out.

To occupy my mind, I sat behind my desk and concentrated on the proposal Destiny was putting together for the national ad campaign Turner Enterprises was about to undertake. I flipped through various text campaigns and visual ads, as well as the TV commercial that would be launching in the fall. It all looked exceptional and was slated to run over into the Super Bowl, with one major ad during the most epic football affair of the year.

I picked up my cell and called her once again, after looking at the last piece of media. Again, her phone went straight to voicemail. This time, I left a more urgent message. “Hey, babe, I hope everything is okay. It’s looking pretty bad out there. I need to hear your voice. When you get this message, call me immediately. Love you.”

I hung up the phone and sat down on my lounger. I racked my brain as to why Destiny wasn’t answering as I stared at the rain cascading down the window. The harder the rain fell the more worried I got. I rubbed my temples to release the building tension. “She’s with Tasha, and they’re okay,” I reminded myself again.

I rested my head on the pillow-top lounger, where I sat waiting for Destiny to return my call. As I lounged in the comfortable chair, I began to relax. Soon, I had drifted into a deep slumber. The house was completely dark, when I awoke hours later.

I rubbed my eyes and looked around the room. I couldn’t even see my hand in front of my face. I felt my way to the window and looked out into the pitch black night. The entire street was dark, not even a distant streetlight was in view. “Dang, there must be a power outage and the generator didn’t kick in,” I said remembering that setting the generator was still on my to-do list.

At that moment, I regretted letting Lynetta and her crew have the evening off once they unpacked the upstairs rooms. I was sure one of them would’ve thought to set the generator had they been there during the storm. Just as that thought crossed my mind, I heard footsteps and turned to see Destiny entering the room.

A bolt of lightning quickly flashed into the room and a glimmer of her shiny red negligee shined through the darkness. Her vanilla fragrance wafted through the room and caused me to smile. “Hey, babe, I’m glad you made it home safe,” I said walking toward her.

She pressed a finger against my lips when I reached her. Gripping my face into her hands, she pulled me toward her for a kiss. As our kiss deepened, my arms made their way around her waist and I pulled her close. Just as quickly as I captured her, she stepped out of my embrace and poked her finger into my chest, pushing me toward the chaise.

I wanted her back in my arms, but I followed her lead. I fell down onto the chaise and waited for her to perform the sensual tease she started. “Oh, so this morning was just the preview for tonight, huh?” I asked as my hand rested on her thigh. I felt the fabric of her negligee travel down my arm, until it slid off and hit the floor.

She grinded her body a

gainst mine in quiet seduction as I sat on the edge of the chair. The house was so tranquil I could hear my heartbeat. I squeezed her thighs in anticipation of the pleasure I’d have once the silence was replaced by her moans filling the room. The thought of consecrating my library during this ugly storm had my loins on fire. The mysteriousness of the moment also added to my rambunctious drive for consummation.