I walked over to stand in the doorway of the walk-in closet and stared at Destiny who was removing items from a box and placing them on the shelves. She had given the delivery guys the okay to leave without unpacking all of our things, after I explicitly told her to make sure they unpacked everything down to the last garment. I shook my head at her defiance.

“Well, listen, you sound busy, so I’ll just talk to you later,” Dad said. “Tell Destiny I said hello.”

“Sure thing,” I said as I hung up the phone. I walked back into the bedroom and called out for Destiny. She had been moving around like a little mouse all day, organizing this and cleaning that. The way she was carrying on, one would never imagine that we had a full staff to assist her.

“Yes, babe,” she said as she entered the bedroom.

“First of all, what is all this stuff in these boxes?”

“Our things that came from Atlanta,” she said.

“I thought the movers were supposed to unpack everything and put it in the correct place. Will you explain to me why we have boxes that still have items in them?” I asked. The clutter was actually beginning to wreck my nerves.

I grabbed the box she was unpacking and placed it on the bed. I motioned around the room at all of the boxes. I was finding out that she had a compulsion to do everything herself, which was why we were left with a full house to unpack.

“I told them we could handle it. I wanted to put everything up, so I know where it is and to make sure it’s put up correctly,” she said with a shrug.

“Oh, so you just told them you would unpack an entire mansion by yourself?”

“With your help…”

“Oh, no! I’m not unpacking any of this, especially after I told you to have the movers do it. Is this your idea of being a submissive wife?”

“Jacob…” she said with her mouth dropping open. “I know you’re not upset about me unpacking.”

“I’m not upset with you for packing. However, I paid the movers to do the job you’re doing. I’m about to call them back, so they can get over here and finish doing the job I paid them to do. And you’re going to let them do their job.”

“Jacob, you can’t be serious,” she pouted.

“I’m very serious,” I told her as I walked toward her.

“But it would be cool if we spent time together fixing our house up just the way we want it. I thought you said you took the rest of the week off.”

“It will be the way we want it. We’re just not going to be the ones doing it. I took the week off, but I’m not going to spend it unpacking.” Our newly hired maid, Lynetta, passed by the doorway as I thumped a box on the bed. She was carrying a box as well. I called out to her, “Lynetta, will you come in here for a second?”

“Yes, Mr. Turner,” Lynetta said coming back to stand just outside the door.

“Come on in,” I ordered, and she walked into the room. “As the head of maid services, maybe you can explain to me why my fiancé is in here working like she’s on the staff.”

“Sir, Ms. Destiny said she would…”

I cut her off. “Destiny is not to lift a finger unpacking these boxes, regardless of what she says. I want you to place a call to the movers and get them back over here so they can finish unpacking the things that came from our houses in Atlanta. As well, I want you to personally direct them while they are getting this task done. Don’t let them leave here until everything is in its place. And tell them to send the invoice for any extra hours and I’ll get it taken care of. Is that clear?”

Lynetta nodded her head. “Yes, sir, boss. I will call them back immediately,” she said making note of what she was to do. She glanced at Destiny before rushing off to make the call.

“As for you,” I said, pushing our door closed. “You can make this easy on yourself or you can make it hard. Either way, it’s going to be fun for me,” I added.

“What are you talking about, Jacob?” Destiny asked.

“There are a list of things I want my wife doing with her day and manual labor is not on the list.”

“Oh, yeah? I guess now is a good time for you to fill me in on what’s acceptable for me to do in a day and what’s not,” Destiny said with a slight attitude.

“Well, you could always work on one of your ad campaigns,” I began, pushing the box from the bed and pushing her down onto the bed. I took my time in admiring her beauty. “But for starters, you can work on staying stunningly sexy, so I can look at you like this.”

Destiny leaned forward on her elbows. “Is that all what you want, Mr. Turner? For me to be the object of your desires… to spend my days with my only goal being to look beautiful for you?” Destiny asked as she looked up at me with questions in her eyes.

“That and of course this, too,” I said as I bent down to lick her lips before prying her mouth open for a kiss.