“Is that an order?” she said with a wink.

“You know, this is laughable.”

“John, will you please work with me here? I’m trying my best to bring some spice into our marriage. I think we need to, you know… and then maybe you’ll feel better,” she said before running her tongue across her thin, pretty lips.

“No, I don’t know. What do I need, Tammy?” I asked, entertaining her sudden interest in my needs.

“You know…” Tammy looked away coyly. “Some sex.”

I got out of my chair and walked toward the door.

“Thanks, but no thanks. At this point, I don’t need or want anything you have to offer. I’m going to my bedroom, and you should go to yours,” I said.

Every muscle in my body tensed when she rushed to stand in the middle of the doorway to block me from exiting.

“The other day, you said I couldn’t even kiss you and that’s how you knew our marriage was over. Let me prove myself to you tonight. Let me give you what you want, John. We need to do this. You need me and I need you!”

“Tammy, you have no idea of what I need,” I said as I stood inches away from her, looking into her eyes.

“Let me prove that I do,” she pleaded. “Please let me prove it tonight.”

“There is no way you can prove your love tonight. The proof is in the pudding. You have shown me, over and over again, where your heart is and it’s not with me. You have put other people’s feelings ahead of our family. You have disrespected this house, the business I run, and the people in both.”

“John, you make it seem like I’m such a terrible person when I’m not. My family is first in everything that I do. I have given my entire life to my family.”

“I noticed you purchased a pool house warming gift for the pool house the Parkers built. Since you put your family first, what have you bought for Jacob’s new home that he purchased for his new family?”

“I haven’t found the right thing…” she said, trying hard not to look bothered by my question. “I just haven’t found it yet. That’s all.”

“Yet, you put all the staff on the task of finding a three-diamond soap dispenser for the Parker’s shower that matched their décor to the letter?”

“I’ll find something for Jacob’s house tomorrow. I promise.”

“Don’t do it on my account, Tammy,” I said, growing tired of the song and dance I had to do with her every time we saw each other since I informed her of the divorce.

“I was waiting to see what color schemes they chose before purchasing something, but I will definitely be getting a gift for my son’s new home,” she said, walking toward me and taking my hand.

“And this,” I said making note of the lingerie she was wearing. “Miraculously, you own lingerie, when you have never worn anything as sexy in your life. In fact, you denied me nights like the one you’re promising tonight more times than I can count.”

I attempted to walk around her, but she rushed back to the door and blocked the way again. Her hands were on either side of the frame. “John, please just spend the night with me.”

“No,” I said firmly.

“Why are you doing this John?”

“I’m going to tell you this only once more, Tammy. It is over for us. If you don’t stay out of my way while you’re looking for a place to live, you’re going to have to find a temporary place to stay until our divorce is final. This house is big enough that we don’t even have to see each other, and that’s what I prefer.”

“This is as much my house as it is yours. I go where I want in it. If I see you, then so be it,” Tammy said, pointing her finger into my chest.

“Well, just know I don’t give idle threats. You keep pressing and I will show you whose house it really is.” I gave her a look that brooked no argument.

I didn’t like being so straightforward with her, but Tammy was the type that had to be handled frankly. I wanted to be clear that there would be no rekindling of our marriage. Who in their right mind would we rekindle something so miserable? With all the wasted years and all the damage that was done. I couldn’t think of one thing worth rekindling.

r /> “You will pay handsomely for the way you are treating me, John,” she said turning around and walking away with her shoulders slumped in defeat.

“I already have paid, Tammy,” I replied as I flipped the light switch off and walked down the long hall to my bedroom.

With these type of run-ins, our divorce being finalized couldn’t come fast enough. Had Tammy shown me this type of attention a month ago, I would have devoured her where she stood in my study tonight. But at this point, all I wanted to do was make Clara Baker smile again. When I lay down in bed, I called her number.