“She is a part of you; therefore, I will love that part of her. I am all about you… Team Jacob. I will do whatever it takes to make sure you’re okay. If that means encouraging you to check up on your mother, then so be it,” I said, feeling somewhat responsible for his family’s breakdown. After all, I was in the center of the entire mess.

“We’ve been through a lot over a short period of time,” Jacob said. “Believe me when I say it will be greater later, my sweetheart. I don’t care about the haters.”

“Are you trying to be a player on this phone early in the morning?” I asked on a laugh.

Jacob laughed, as well. “I got you to laugh, so I’m not trying. I’m succeeding.”

“Well, I’m going to let you get back to your business at hand. I just wanted to hear your voice before I got up out of Mama’s warm bed.”

“Oh, Clara is lucky. She got to sleep with you last night. I can’t wait to have my turn tonight.”

“That makes two of us. See you then,” I said, hanging up the phone feeling reassured.

Jacob loved his parents, so I figured, deep down, he wanted them to stay together. Actually, I preferred they stayed together, as well. The last thing I wanted was Mama being tied up with Jacob’s father. It just seemed out of place for our love to be all in the family like that.

My next call was to Montie to let him know I would be picking up the kids around noon. I was glad that he was at home, because I hadn’t broached the subject of moving the kids to Miami with him. That was an entirely different dilemma in itself.

Once all of my business for the day was set in motion, I got out of bed and went into the bathroom to wash my face. I spruced up a bit using the personal kit I kept at Mama’s house. Pulling my hair back into a messy ponytail, I stared at my image in the mirror. I meditated for a long while before I went downstairs, praying for both peace and clarity in the midst of turmoil.

When I walked into the kitchen, I almost tumbled over my feet when I saw Mr. Turner standing by the counter intently watching Mama set the table. His eyes followed the commotion and peered into mine speaking volumes that dared to leave his lips, as he stood there in limbo.

Meanwhile, Mama went about her morning duties as if he wasn’t even standing there. She moved about the kitchen preparing breakfast and humming. When she did look in his direction, she looked right through him and placed a bottle of syrup in the middle of the table.

“Good morning,” I said including both of them in my gaze. I walked over and gave Mama a kiss on the cheek and whispered, “What is he doing here?”

She humped her shoulders and kept moving about the kitchen. I awkwardly acknowledged Mr. Turner by saying, “Hi, uh, very good to see you here. This time, I hope it’s under much better circumstances.”

There was an apology in his eyes as he said, “Hi, Destiny, likewise.”

“Listen, I’m sorry about the way I acted in your home. That’s not the way I would have liked to meet you,” I began to say. Mr. Turner raised his hand to silence me.

“There is no need for any explanations. That’s why I came here this morning. I’d hoped we could wipe the slate clean and start over,” Mr. Turner’s attention went from me to Mama as he made that statement. I looked between the two and immediately knew they needed time alone to talk.

“It means a lot to hear you say that, thanks Mr. Turner. I really would like it if we could wipe the slate clean. Jacob and I are getting married soon and we would love it if everyone could come together, without any more drama.”

“If I have anything to do with it, there won’t be any more drama, young lady. I am committed to making things right, for all parties,” he said, once again gazing at Mama.

Mama had her wall up and I was convinced there was nothing Mr. Turner could say to make amends for the forty years they lost – until I saw her place a third plate down on the table.

“John, you’re welcome to stay for breakfast, but after that you need to be on your way,” she said flippantly.

“I would love to have breakfast with you, Clara. Thank you for offering,” he said gallantly moving toward the table.

“You’re not having breakfast with me. You’re having breakfast with your daughter-in-law,” Mama said motioning toward me with her mitten. “It will be your first and last meal in this house, so eat up and enjoy. Then, get back on your big jet and fly back to Miami where you belong… with your wife.”

Mr. Turner was humble as he took a seat at the table. I figured he knew as well as I did that he was fighting an uphill battle and silence was his best defense.

“Mama, you don’t have to set a plate for me. I’m about to leave.”

“Why are you leaving so soon?”

“I miss my babies. I told Montie I would be by there to pick up them up early,” I said, even though Montie wasn’t expecting me until noon. I just wanted to get out of there to give them some privacy.

“You should start your day off with a good breakfast, baby girl. Sit down and eat,” Mama said pointing at one of the plates. Her eyes widened and I could tell she was coaching me to stay. “I’ve worked hard in this kitchen, and you really should stay and eat,” she added.

Through her hard exterior, her shaking hands gave away her nervousness about being alone with Mr. Turner. I walked over to the stove and picked up a piece of bacon. I bit into it and grabbed a biscuit.

“Mmmm, I appreciate your hard work, Mama. Your food is always so delicious,” I told her as I poured a glass of juice to go with my biscuit. “But I’ll eat this in the car. Goodbye, Mr. Turner,” I added as I kissed her on the cheek.