“Sure you will. I’ll be sure to have a nice spread for you when you come,” Mom said on a slight cough. “I overheard your father talking about something happening with Justine. Are you going to tell me what’s going on, or do I have to come to Atlanta to find out?”

“I got engaged last night, and Justine...”

“Oh, I’m so happy for you! You finally asked Justine to marry you,” Mom exclaimed. “I can’t wait to call Martha and start working on the wedding plans. We have to get the color pattern picked out as soon as possible, and the invitations. When is the wedding? Never mind, I’ll get all of the details from Martha. I’m so excited that Justine is going to be my daughter in law! This is going to be the grandest event ever,” Mom added as she got carried away with her fascinations.

Martha was Justine’s mother and also my mother’s best friend. “Hold on, Mom. I am not marrying Justine,” I said, putting a halt to her plans for an extravagant wedding for Justine.

“How in the heavens are you engaged to a woman other than Justine?” she asked as her tone fell flat.

“I don’t love Justine. After last night, there is no way I would ever look at her the same, much less marry her.”

“But… I haven’t met anyone else,” Mom said, grasping to make sense of my announcement.

“We planned to wait a while before introducing each other to our parents, but you will be meeting her very soon, so get ready. Her name is Destiny.”

“That’s a pretty name. Do I know her family?” Mom asked.

“I don’t think you do. She lives in Atlanta.”

“Who could it be, if I don’t know her family?” Mom thought for a while and then added, “You better not have run off and met some low life that you think I’m going to call my daughter-in-law.”

“Mom, you will treat Destiny right or you will not have to worry about calling her anything!”

“Why are you so defensive, Jacob? Is there something you feel you have to defend?” Mom asked.

“I will defend Destiny from this day forward. I will not let anyone else mistreat her. Why don’t you talk to Dad and let him tell you what your sweet Justine did last night?” I asked as Henry pulled into the loop at the W Hotel.

“I sure will,” Mom said apprehensively. “I always thought you and Justine hit it off so well though. You should give some deep thought about the woman you want to marry. She can’t be a better mate than Justine. I keep telling you that you’re not just some average Joe walking around with a 30k a year job and a pension. You are the heir to a billion-dollar company.”

“I know who I am, Mother,” I said. “Like I said, talk to Dad and then we’ll talk later!”

“I just don’t know what to say about you men sometimes,” Mom said as she hung up the phone.

I hung up as well. I knew my mother wouldn’t like the idea of me marrying anyone other than Justine. She’d paired us together since we were teenagers. For Mom, it wasn’t about whether or not I loved Justine, or even if she loved me. It was about two well-to-do families making the perfect merger; it was a power move.

My phone chimed alerting me of a text message from Wanda.

Justine is at Piedmont Hospital. She was shot by the police, the message said. She’d gone and gotten herself shot. I shook my head at how reckless Justine was. I entered the hotel and walked to the check-in counter.

“Welcome to the W. How may I help you sir?” the desk attendant promptly asked.

“Yes, please give me your largest suite for a week,” I said throwing my Visa on the counter.

“Let’s see what we have…” She began tapping on her computer screen. “Sir, that would be our Extreme Wow suite and we do have one available. I just need to s

ee your ID.”

I handed her my identification and within minutes everything was processed. I walked inside my Extreme Wow suite and looked around. The amenities were pretty good, but they were nothing without Destiny, and it definitely wasn’t home.

At home, I’d left the scent of our love in the air as I stepped over my scattered clothes about to leave. The chocolate fudge I’d squeezed on Destiny’s body was on my nightstand. Rose petals were sprinkled in my bedroom. I was sure everything was still in place, but her. I sat down on the perfectly made hotel bed and exhaled deeply. I had to find a way to get inside that hospital room to see Destiny.



Playtime is Over

Kill the bitch and get your man back. In theory, it was a simple task. Once I saw Destiny open his door as if she owned his domain, something more sinister kicked in. I gave in to the desire to inflict pain and savor every morsel. I had to make Destiny feel how I felt the many nights I laid in bed alone, wishing Jacob would come back to me. The dagger hanging out of my heart all those nights; I wanted her to feel every excruciating moment of it.