I saw the shock and agony appear in Ms. Clara’s face when she rushed over to help Montie to his feet. It was obvious she was on his side. There was no way she would allow me to go back to see Destiny after knocking him out. I turned around and stormed out of the emergency room, fuming.



We Belong Together

Jacob sucker punched me and ran just like the coward he is. He had Destiny fooled, thinking he was some big, tough guy. He was nothing more than a high-class punk. If he had still been standing there when I got my bearings, I would have put some of the Kung-Fu I learned in martial arts class on that pretty boy.

Ms. Clara reached her hand out to help me get up. “Come on, Montie.”

I got to my feet and looked around at the stunned hospital staff. A police officer was talking to Dr. Searcy. “The doctor told me what happened,” the officer said. “Would you like to press charges against the person that hit you?”

“That won’t be necessary,” I said, knowing that I would see Jacob again. I planned to get revenge and I didn’t need any help from the law.

“Are you okay?” Lexi asked. She came over to check me out.

I nodded. “I’m fine.”

“Ms. Baker is this way,” Lexi said, pointing me in the right direction.

“Thanks,” Ms. Clara and I said together.

“Jacob is going to have to deal with me,” I said to Ms. Clara, ignoring the painful sting in my nose as we walked down the long hall to Destiny’s room.

“I don’t know what she was thinking by getting herself into this mess,” Ms. Clara said, rolling her eyes. “But she needs us to be strong for her right now.”

“You’re right,” I said as we walked into Destiny’s room.

Security had been called by the staff, so two husky men wearing brown shirts and khaki pants made it to the room just as we were walking in. “Is everything okay?” the tallest and huskiest security guard asked.

“Everything is under control now,” Dr. Searcy told the guard before turning his attention back to us. “Like I said, everything is touch and go right now, so all you can do is just be here as a show of love and support. Don’t try to ask her any questions or anything,” he warned.

I had to brace myself at the sight of Destiny. She had so many bruises and tubes going to and from the machines beside her bed. Her head was wrapped in bandages, but what could be seen was dark and bruised.

“Oh, my baby,” Ms. Clara said as she began to shake and whimper. “Who would do something like this to my baby? She has never hurt a soul!”

“She’s lucky the officers got there when they did. They had to shoot down the perpetrator before she was able to kill Destiny.” Dr. Searcy pointed to an officer, who had been standing guard outside Destiny’s room.

“Where is the other woman now?” I asked, half out of curiosity and half out of the desire to strangle any life she might have left in her.

“She’s at another hospital. I can’t disclose which one. Because of the nature of this incident, we are on high alert. You will have to talk to the police to get more information about what happened before Destiny arrived here.”

“Thanks, and we appreciate what you’ve done to save Destiny’s life. She means a lot to us,” I told Dr. Searcy. He nodded as he walked out to give us a few minutes of privacy.

Why did I let my wife go? I kept asking myself questions like that over and over again. I listened to the whimpers of Ms. Clara as my own tears threatened to fall. Destiny deserved to have a man by her side, protecting and serving her every moment of the day. How could Jacob claim he loved her, but let one of his other women do something like this? Destiny misread him, but I didn’t. I knew he wasn’t worth shit.

I stepped out into the hallway and found the doctor. I needed reassurance. “Dr. Searcy, is Destiny going to pull through this?”

“It will all depend on how she responds over the next forty eight hours. We’re waiting for a bed in the ICU. She has to go for neurological testing before we can make any judgment calls.”

“Do everything you can for her. We need her,” I said.

“We sure will. You can go back and visit for about ten more minutes, and then she’s going to need to get some rest,” D

r. Searcy said as he pat my shoulder for good measure.

Ms. Clara was standing beside the bed holding Destiny’s hand and praying when I walked back in the room. I dropped my head in prayer and went to the opposite side of the bed. I took Destiny’s other hand.