Just about the time I was about to reach her, Mr. Turner came strolling into the r

oom and noticed the tension. He caught me around the waist before I reached Justine. “What’s going on?” he asked Jacob.

A quick scan of the room told him everything he needed to know. I was furious that I had been accosted by Mr. Turner on our first meeting. The room fell silent for minute before the sobs began.

“I told you this would happen; I told you that she couldn’t understand me! It's not enough that she stole Jacob away, now she wants to take my family too!” Justine screeched as she continued to cry.

Justine’s parents jumped from their seats at the table and ran over to her. Her father stared at me with disgust, while her mother tried to calm her nutty daughter.

“Jacob, this is still my home, and you and your guests will not speak to my friends like that. I have shown your friends the utmost respect and I demand that you do the same. This is not how you were raised. These people are your family, your friends. Now apologize!” Mrs. Turner had done lost her mind.

Jacob was shaking in anger beside me. Mama was yelling about the audacity of rich people. But it wasn’t until Mr. Turner let me go and made a move towards his wife that I snapped out of it. He had another common thread that father and son shared; anger.

“How could you do this to your own son and his fiancée? Invite the woman who almost killed her to her first dinner in our home! What kind of a mother would do that to her only son?” His words were controlled but barely more than a growl of anger.

“Fuck it. Just fuck it all.” I was bone tired and sick of this whole thing. “Take me home, Jacob. I will not stay here with her.” I began to move out of the room. I looked around to make sure Mama was behind me.

I’d never seen Mama speechless…until that moment. Her light brown skin was flushed and she was standing motionless with her hand on the back of the chair she had sat in earlier. Her mouth held a firm pout. Her eyes looked like two perfect slits and her nostrils flared. If looks could kill, Mr. Turner would have been dead on arrival. Mama’s chest began heaving up and down and I knew there was major trouble boiling. I just didn’t know what kind. I rushed to her.

“Mama, let it go! We are not going to stay here and argue with these people.”

She finally let go of the grip she had on the chair and picked up her jacket. Her feet began to move, but she was moving like a turtle. I thought she was going to walk toward the door, but instead she made a sharp turn toward Mr. Turner.

“All these years I’ve grieved for the love we had!” Mama said as she hauled off and slapped Jacob’s father so hard that everyone in the room gasped.

“Ms. Clara!” Jacob said jumping to the defense of Mr. Turner.

“Mamaaaa,” I said downright embarrassed. The only thing left to happen at this dinner was for an actual bomb to go off.

“I should have never allowed you people into our house. What is she talking about John?” Mrs. Turner said running over to stand between Mama and her husband.

“Is this why you ripped my heart out of my chest?” Mama stepped around Mrs. Turner and asked. Everyone in the room quieted. Mama began to sob. “Every day I wondered if you were happy. I wondered if you could really move on and find happiness; I know I couldn’t. To see that you’re living with this hateful and spiteful woman you call a wife, I can’t say that I feel vindicated. I just feel bad for you, John-John. I guess the punishment fits the crime,” Mama said as she surveyed the swanky dining room and everyone in it one last time. She held her coat to her chest and walked away.

“That’s right, get your ass out of my house and take your daughter with you! Neither of you will ever see a dime of Turner money,” Mrs. Turner said, walking on Mama’s heels. I was glad Mr. Turner grabbed hold of her to pull her away. Mama had poured out her heart, but she still wasn’t above a good fight.

“Oh, I can’t get out of this house fast enough!” Mama said as she stormed ahead of us. Jacob took my hand and we walked behind Mama, both trying to process what was happening. Mr. Turner caught up with us before we got to the front door and pulled Mama into a hug.

Mrs. Turner stormed toward them ready to break up their moment, but Mr. Turner’s trembling voice made the whole room stand still again.

“Clara, listen to me! I never stopped loving you. There will never be another woman that I’ve held in my heart as much as you,” he admitted as he embraced Mama. He looked at me and Jacob.

“Dad, what are you saying?” Jacob asked.

“Son, Destiny…I’m sorry for the way this all happened. You were expecting this to be a day of new beginnings. But, as you can see, there are some changes that have to be made before that happens.” Mr. Turner looked at his wife who was shooting daggers his way. “Changes that will be made at whatever cost.”