“Jacob Turner, Destiny’s fiancé,” I said returning the handshake.

“Mr. Turner, Lexi was telling me that you are here to see Ms. Baker.”

“That’s correct.”

“Right now she can’t have any visitors except for immediate family. You say you’re her fiancé?” the doctor was asking, when Montie stormed through the door with a woman who had to be Destiny’s mother. She was making a lot of noise as she approached the check-in counter. She side swiped me as she passed by.

“Oh God! My daughter is in this emergency room! I need to see her right now. Where is she?” the woman asked. I could tell that she was my soon-to-be mother in law. Even standing there in her pajamas, head scarf and a jacket, she looked refined and beautiful.

“Ms. Clara,” I said, instinctively extending my hand to her as she turned around to face me. Destiny had told me everyone called her mother Ms. Clara. “I’m Jacob…Destiny’s fiancé.”

She glared at my hand, and then looked at me like I was the lowliest vermin she’d ever seen. “My daughter ain’t nobody’s fiancée! If she had one, I’d be the first to know,” she said.

“That’s right,” Montie added.

“With all due respect, ma’am, Destiny is my fiancée. We got engaged earlier tonight,” I assured Ms. Clara.

“Well, it seems more than an engagement happened tonight, now didn’t it?” she said with each word holding contempt.

“Given the situation, I’m only allowed to let immediate family back to see her. Since she doesn’t have a legal husband, it is up to you who those people will be,” Dr. Searcy said to Ms. Clara.

“That will be me and him,” Ms. Clara said pointing to Montie. “The two of us will go back, but is she going to be okay?” Ms. Clara asked the doctor.

“Well, she’s unconscious. She is in critical, but stable condition. There is swelling on her brain from where she was hit multiple times with a pistol, but all of her vital signs are looking good,” he paused for a second looking from me to Ms. Clara. “She really is a fighter.”

“Hit with a pistol? Oh, my God!” Ms. Clara said falling aimlessly into Montie’s waiting arms to cry. Her arms shook viciously as he consoled her. She kept screaming, “Oh, my God. This isn’t happening to my baby. Oh, my God!”

“It’s going to be okay,” Montie said as he looked at me, shaking his head from side to side.

“Take me to see her, doctor. I have to go see my baby,” Ms. Clara said.

“I’m sorry this happened, Ms. Clara. I fully intend to make this right,” I said taking a step toward her.

“You get away from me!” she yelled before I was within a foot of her.

“You don’t know me, but I would never harm a hair on Destiny’s head. In fact, the person who is responsible will regret ever putting a hand on her,” I said, as I grew tired of playing Mr. Nice. The only thing that mattered to me was being at Destiny’s side. “Let me be there for her,” I added.

Dr. Searcy repeated, “Only immediate family can come past this point.”

“And that includes me!” I said frustrated that Dr. Searcy kept making that point and that Ms. Clara had chosen to let Montie go with her.

“I know you haven’t met me, but I’m more family to Destiny than Montie is,” I told Ms. Clara.

“You’re right. I don’t know you, and until you have a good explanation of what happened at your house, Jacob, you’ll be out here in this waiting room,” she said focusing all of her frustration toward me. Her eyes narrowed and I felt that she would pounce on me at any moment.

“All I know is my ex-girlfriend went to my house and attacked her.”

“Your ex attacked her?” Montie asked, as he stepped forward to confront me.

“Get out of my face, Montie!” I understood his frustration, but I was tired of him flexing his weak muscles.

“You got my children’s mother dealing with some ex-girlfriend mess? You better hope for your sake that she makes it out of here the same way you found her, or I’m beating your ass, white boy,” Montie said, before pressing his finger into my chest.

That poke to my chest was all it took for me to cock my fist back and bust Montie square in the nose. Months of playing Mr. Nice with him had finally rattled me. His bull crap sent me over the edge.

“You keep your punk ass hands off me,” I said as he fell to the ground.

“Lexi, call security!” Dr. Searcy said as he stepped away from us with his eyes the size of quarters.