“It all sounds intriguing, but I think the foot massage is where things took a left,” Tasha said.

“He came into my room when I was getting dressed and looked at me. I looked back at him and saw something extra. One minute we were getting the kids ready for bed like two people doing a great job co-parenting, and the next minute we were in bed making the sweetest memories… together.”

“Uh huh.”

“I don’t know. It just kind of happened.”

“It just kind of happened? That’s what you’re gonna say about it?” Tasha asked.

“Well… it did,” I said innocently. As wild as my emotions had been over the past week, sleeping with Montie was the last thing on my mind. I wasn’t about to take any responsibility for my actions.

“‘I dunno what happened. I was just standing there, fell on the bed and he slipped inside’,” she said mimicking me.

“I didn’t say that. It’s not that I didn’t know what I was doing. I was fully aware that I was being sexed by Montie. I just don’t know if it happened because I felt alone after Jacob left the way he did, or if I have deeper feelings for Montie.”

“Destiny,” she said making a popping sound with her mouth, “this is the type of stuff that makes men kill. Leave it to you to get yourself into some shit like this.”

“Well, I should be picking wedding colors and silverware right now, but my groom is missing in action. It’s not my fault that Montie is here doing the absolute most.”

“I was wondering where Jacob was when all this bumping and grinding was going on,” Tasha said. “He still hasn’t made it back? Where is he?”

“That’s the billion-dollar question,” I said feeling a growing tightness in my throat.

“So you still haven’t heard from him?”

“No. He hasn’t called this week, last week, or when I was in the hospital. He has been a ghost…nothing. Not even a postcard.”

“Dang! I was pulling for Jacob, but after what happened with Justine I can’t deal with him and his mess.”

“It’s crazy, but a part of me loves that man from the top of his brown-haired head to the soles of his designer-shoe covered feet. Then, there’s the greater part of me that wants to throw his ring at him, slap his face and erase him from my memory.”

“I can understand the second half, at least,” Tasha said, popping her gum. “But you have bigger fish to fry right now. What are you going to do about Montie? You know, now that he’s been with you again, he’s not leaving you alone. You are going to catch hell trying to get rid of him.”

I laughed at the obvious truth. “I’m going to have to figure out a way to get everything back neutral with Montie.”

“Yeah right, if that’s possible then it’s snowing in Miami. Trust me, the man is not going to turn back after this. He’s wanted you back since the ink dried on the divorce papers and now this. He’s not going to rest until he has pounded Jacob out of your system, if you know what I mean.”

“First of all, there will be no repeats of last night. Secondly, he showed no interest in me until I met Jacob. Then all of a sudden, he wanted to be ex-husband of the year. I have to take all of that into account.”

“That’s because you were busy devoting your life to work and the kids, and he was busy getting his software company going. He didn’t know there was a looming threat like Jacob. He thought you would always be there,” she said thoughtfully.

“I’ll tell you what. Neither of them should take me for granted and think that I’ll be here. I’ve cut men off before and I will

do it again,” I paused while washing my glass in the sink. “I have a lot to figure out Tasha. Thanks for listening to my drama.”

“Girl, you have more drama than my soap operas. I wouldn’t want to be in your shoes. Or maybe I wouldn’t mind your shoes at all. A fine, rich white man giving me the vanilla love and a sexy, motivated black man giving me the chocolate business might not be such a bad thing at all,” she said on a laugh. “We do kind of look alike. Would you like for me to tag in as your double?”

“Girl bye,” I said, laughing at Tasha. “You are too much!”

“I’m just telling the truth,” she said before blowing me a kiss. “Don’t forget I’m coming to Atlanta next week. I will call and let you know when my flight arrives.”

“I haven’t forgot. Can’t wait!” I hung up the phone. I went to the fridge to pull out food for breakfast. I placed a package of bacon on the counter and pulled out a pan.

“So you’re planning to cut me off again?” Montie said walking fully into the kitchen. He came to stand beside me with a look of concern.

“You overhead my conversation?” I said without turning around.
