Ms. Clara brought the kids outside to join me as I sat on the porch. We played some in the yard while waiting for Destiny to return. Ms. Clara sat down in the rocking chair on the porch. She was doing a crossword puzzle when I sat down beside her.

“Montie,” she said, looking up from her book. “I don’t know what has gotten into my child. She used to tell me everything, until now. What’s this foolishness about her being engaged?”

“That’s what she told me when she was in the hospital. She said they got engaged the night she got attacked.” I wringed my hands together. “This whole relationship has been a shock to me.”

Ms. Clara slammed the book down into her lap. “Well, what are you going to do about it?”

“I can only do what she allows. It’s not like I haven’t told her how I feel about her. One day she was vowing to never date again, and the next day she was in love with Jacob.” It was hard to verbalize that Destiny was in love with another man. I felt as if my lungs would close upon saying it. “I should have stepped up sooner,” I admitted.

“Yes, you should have. Truth be told, you should have never let her go, Montie.” Ms. Clara seemed to be thinking, then she added, “Well, that’s neither here nor there now. What matters now is what you do next.” Fine lines that showed her age stretched across her forehead. “What are you going to do to get your wife back?”

“I have shown and proved that work no longer comes before her,” I reasoned.

“That’s all good and well, but you’re working against a stronger power now, Montie. That girl is gone. Gone, do you hear me? Gone! I can see it in her eyes when I talk to her about Jacob. He still has her under his spell. You’re going to have to step your game all the way up if you intend to play on his field.”

“I really do love her,” I admitted sheepishly.

“You don’t need to be telling me that. She needs to know it, and she needs to know it in a major way. Her fire needs to be lit and it needs to be lit very soon, if you get my drift,” Ms. Clara said, raising her eyebrow. “You can do it. You did it before, you can do it now.”

Ms. Clara seemed to have a lot of faith in me, but getting next to Destiny was easier said than done. “I’ve tried everything. I just don’t know what else to do to get through to her. The last thing I want to do is to push her completely away,” I said.

“Like I said, you know what to do. If I have to spell it out to you, then you probably should just bow out gracefully and cut your losses,” Ms. Clara said shaking her head.

I looked at Ms. Clara as she rattled off advice about how to win the affection of her daughter. I’d stopped listening to her words and just observed how serious she was about it. I smiled. Her advice was spot on. I knew exactly what would remind Destiny why I was the man for her. I had to remind her how deep our love went.



Too Many Sweet Memories

“Thank you so much for dinner, Montie! Also, thanks for not tripping out earlier when I wanted to walk alone. It gave me some much needed time to clear my head. I feel one hundred percent better.”

“I’m just glad you made it back safely. I was worried sick every minute you were gone. I don’t know what I would have done if something had happened to you,” Montie said with a glint in his eyes. Not only had he cooked a gourmet dinner, there was a permeating fire burning in his dark brown eyes when he looked at me. I had to look away so I wouldn’t get caught by the flames.

“You don’t have to worry about me like that. I’m going to be fine,” I said, taking a sip from my wine glass. “But I really appreciate all that you are doing for me and the kids,” I said, settling back into the cushioned sofa. I took another sip from my wine glass before setting it aside.

Montie settled his tall frame beside me, still holding that penetrating stare. "You don't have to thank me for doing what I am supposed to do. Those are my children in there asleep in their beds. I am their father and I need no thanks for doing my duty. Even if our divorce papers say differently, you are still my wife in here," he said pointing towards his heart.

My heart rate accelerated from Montie's declaration. I didn't know how to respond and luckily I didn't have to as he began speaking again.

"Baby, you've been through a lot. All I want to do is to take care of you," he said taking my legs and pulling them into his lap.

My feet were already bare, so he took one foot into his hands and began massaging it. I was so buzzed from the wine and the relaxed ambiance that I didn’t dare resist. My head instantly fell back into the cushion. I had forgotten how good it felt to have my feet massaged by Montie. Our eyes met and I could see that he was remembering our past as well.

This can't be happening, I thought to myself...whatever this was.

“I wonder what happened to Mama. She said she was going home to get some clothes and would be right back,” I said. I could’ve definitely used Mama’s distraction as Montie’s warm hands continued to stroke my feet. Of all nights for Mama to jump ship, that night was not the one.

“She called and said she was going to stay at home tonight,” Montie said as he began to massage my calves.

"I really need to wash those dishes in the sink," I said lifting my legs from his lap and rising to my feet.

"Let me handle the cleanup. Go and get you some rest."

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"I am positive," he said with an unreadable look in his eyes. He put his hands on my shoulders and turned me in the direction towards my room. “Go get ready for bed. You need some rest. I’ll let myself out,” he said, respecting our agreement that he would start spending the night at his own house and coming back to check on me during the day.