I knew Jacob would turn his jet around once he realized I was at his house with his beloved Destiny. I knew he would cut through hell and high water to get back to her in record time. I couldn’t wait for him to return, so all three of us could unite again. When a set of bright lights shined through the curtain in the living room, I just knew it was him. I anxiously rushed to the window and looked out.

“It’s the police, damn!” I yelled. I began to panic. “I guess Jacob doesn’t care about you as much as I thought,” I turned and said to Destiny who was balled up in the corner shaking.

“Who-who is it?” she asked through her quivering voice, just above a whisper. I couldn’t take my own life, but it was pure satisfaction watching her life slowly fade away from her.

“Well it ain’t Jacob, that’s for sure,” I told Destiny as I yanked her to her feet. She was bleeding pretty badly from the cut on her head. “It’s your worst nightmare, the police. Now get up, or I will end this all right now,” I said. My gun was pressed snug against the side of her head as I struggled to keep her upright.

Following my demands, Destiny did her best to stand on her own. Her hands were slumped to her side and she looked quite pathetic. I couldn’t believe Jacob left me for this weak whore. She wouldn’t even fight for her own life.

When there was a knock on the door, I pressed the gun closer to Destiny’s temple. “If you move or do anything other than what I say, it’s game over and you lose.”

“We’re coming in!” a police officer yelled, before the doorknob turned and two officers entered. The house was completely dark, when two police officers came walking through the front door.

“Take one more step and she’s dead,” I said. My hand began to shake and my trigger finger was itching. I never thought my life would come to this, but if I had to die, at least I was taking my biggest pain in the ass with me.

“Ma’am, we are not going to come any further,” the heavier of the two officers said calmly.

“What’s your name?” the tall officer asked anxiously.

“I don’t want you talking to me. I just want to see Jacob!” I told them. I could feel my finger gripping tighter around the trigger. “Tell Jacob to get over here now or she dies!”

“Okay ma’am, in order for us to get to Jacob, I’m going to have to call him on my radio,” the heavier officer said.

“Go ahead, call him,” I said tapping the gun against Destiny’s head as I spoke.

The heavy set officer radioed in my request. “The perp is requesting to speak to a Jacob. She’s saying that she will shoot the victim if he doesn’t get here ASAP.”

I could tell by the tall officer’s expression that he was bothered by the way I was tapping Destiny’s temple with my gun. He didn’t drop his gun to his side like his partner did. “Lower your gun, now!” he demanded as he squinted over the barrel of his gun.

“No! I want to talk to Jac…” was the last thing I said before I heard the loudest boom. I felt an agonizing pain rip through my chest and shoulder. The impact of the gunshot knocked me to the ground, and the gun went flying out of my hand.

The tall officer ran over and secured the gun before tossing me onto my stomach and holding me down in cuffs. Within seconds, a swarm of officers were all around me. I was put in an ambulance and carted off, after Destiny had already been taken away. There were so many squad cars parked all over Jacob’s yard and a helicopter was flying above the house. Jacob’s secluded estate was in pandemonium.

As I lay in that smelly hospital room with a bullet lodged in my arm, I wished I hadn’t waited on Jacob. I should have shot her when I had the chance. If I ever made it out of there, I was not going to play games the second time around.



Love Kills Too

“Ms. Clara, this is getting old. Tell them I can visit Destiny!” I demanded. I had come to the hospital for the fifth time in two days and still was given bullshit reasons why I couldn’t see Destiny. Something was about to give.

“I don’t know, Jacob. She’s up and responding to us, but the doctor says we can’t ask any questions. You’re gonna have to wait until she can answer questions, so I can find out what’s going on. I don’t think it’s best that you see her before that’s determined,” Ms. Clara said ambivalently.

“Basically, what she’s saying is you will go back to see her when hell freezes over,” Montie said, stepping up to stand beside Ms. Clara. “Stop harassing my mother-in-law, before we get a restraining order against you.”

“I’m not harassing her. You know better than anyone that Destiny would want me back there,” I said to Montie.

He put his arm around Ms. Clara and protectively said, “Come on, Mama. You don’t have to deal with this.”

“I will let you know something as soon as I know,” Ms. Clara said as she walked away with Montie.

“Look man,” I said to Montie when I caught up with them halfway down the hall. I did my best to play cool. “I didn’t mean to hit you the other day. It’s just that you were being unreasonable. She is my fiancée. At least tell me about her tests and how she’s doing.”

“First of all, she’s more my wife than she is your fiancée.”

“Like hell she is. That’s my woman!” I said as I started to walk in the direction of Destiny’s room. Montie put his hand on my arm to stop me. I was about to remind him why touching me wasn’t a good idea, when I saw the horrified look on Ms. Clara’s face. “Keep your damn hands to yourself.”