A deep cry flew out of my lips, and I felt the fluidity of more cum seeping into his mouth. I reached down and grabbed his head, stroking him with pleasure. His tongue maneuvered around my opening, until he was removing himself and ending the pleasure-filled moment.

He rubbed his way up my body, his hands reaching my back and cupping my ass in his palms. He fell down on top of me. His hand reached down and grasped mine. He brought it up to his lips and kissed it.

I stared into his eyes until I drifted off into a dreamless sleep.




"Justine!" I woke to beads of sweat running down my face. I sat straight up in bed. My heart was racing. All I could think about was Justine. Something was terribly wrong with her, and I had to get to her, fast.

Destiny sat up in bed, as well. She had a look of concern on her face.

"Jacob, what’s wrong?"

"I don’t know what it is yet, but something’s wrong," I said, as I jumped out of bed. "I have this feeling something is wrong with Justine. The last time I felt like this, she was being rushed to Calvary General after a major overdose."

My mind was racing. I rushed over to my cell phone to see if I had any missed calls. There were none, so I called her.

"Are you calling her?" Destiny asked, and I could see the shock and disappointment on her face as she spoke.

"Yes," I said ending the call. "And she’s not answering." I immediately dialed up another number and tapped my feet on the floor as I waited for someone to answer. "Hello, Martha. I'm sorry to call in the middle of the night, but have you or Ron heard from Justine today?"

Destiny stared at me as I spoke. The distress of the turn of events was evident in the way she looked.

"Okay…sure. Have her call me if you do. Thank you!" I hung up the call. "Her parents haven’t heard from her either," I told Destiny, as I pulled a T-shirt over my head. "I have to go check on her."

"You're about to go to Miami now?" Destiny asked, as she sat further up in the bed.

"Yeah, I need to go check on her. The last time I felt this way, she had almost killed herself from an overdose."

"Jacob, you haven’t talked to her in months. I’m sure she’s okay and it was just a bad dream." Destiny said, springing to her feet. She walked over and stood face to face with me.

“No, it’s more than that. I know Justine.”

"Well,” she turned her head sideways and an incredulously daring look entered her glare. “If you know me, you’d come back to bed. You can call and check on her in the morning. Even if something has happened tonight, there is nothing you can do."

She didn’t understand why I couldn’t leave Justine hanging in a life or death situation. She had shown the ugly part of her character, but still she had been my friend for years.

"You don’t understand, Destiny. I can’t go to sleep when I can’t shake this feeling. You may not get it, but…" My phone rang, interrupting my thought, and I dropped my pants and quickly answered it. "Justine?"

"No, this is not Justine. It's Mallorie, one of the nurses from Calvary General. Is this Jacob Turner?"

"Yes, this is him," I said, shooting Destiny a frantic look.

"Mr. Turner, I have some bad news. Justine Parker has been admitted after being found unconscious at her home today. Her chart has you listed as next of kin, so we need you to come to the hospital as soon as possible so we can make some decisions about her care," the nurse said, and I could hear beeping machines and the busyness of a hospital in the background.

"Is she going to be okay?"

"It's touch and go right now, but she's a fighter. We need you to get here as soon as you can, in case she needs to go on the ventilator."

"I'm on my way," I said, hanging up the phone and going back to getting dressed. "I knew something was wrong," I said as I picked my pants up off the floor.

"Who was that?" Destiny asked, studying my face for answers.

"The hospital in Florida. Justine just got admitted. She overdosed and may need to go on the ventilator. I need to get there ASAP."