“Good, see you at six.”

I hung up the phone and excitedly called up Jacob.


"Hey, so my mother is going to take the kids this weekend. I’m thinking we can get together and start where we left off last weekend. What do you think?"

"Oh…let me think about that…" my heart fell as he teased me. "I haven’t heard anything as good as that this week. That is an amazing idea."

"Good, I will drop them off at six o’clock and head to your place."

"Dinner will be on the table and it’ll be just a romantic evening in."

“I love the sound of being curled up in front of the fireplace with a glass of wine and dessert…" I was eager to be there in his arms.

"That and a whole lot extra," he said.

"I can’t imagine anything better."

"See you tonight, Destiny. I love you."

"I love you, too."


At six o’clock on the nose, I said my goodbyes to my mother and children. I pulled into Jacob’s neighborhood at 6:45. I glanced in the mirror to check my makeup. I got out of the car and straightened my red dress. When I reached his door, I knocked and it didn’t take long before his arms wrapped lovingly around me and our lips tangled, as if it was our first time. Every time I was with Jacob, it was like our first time. That’s how I knew it was meant to be.

"God, I’ve missed that," I said.

His eyes drank in my dress and a smirk graced his lips. "God, I’ve missed this," he grabbed a handful of my ass in his hands.


“That I can’t promise. Not when the sight of you drives me insane.” He hesitantly released me and led me into his dining room. The fragrance was inviting. He held out a chair for me and I took a seat. He then went over and began preparing our meal. “I cooked something you’ll like…pork chops and red potatoes."

“I see I’m in for a treat. No man has ever waited on me like this before,” I said.

"Remember, I’m not a chef," he teased, putting the plate of food down in front of me. I glanced at the delectable looking food.

"Looks edible to me," I said.

"Judge it when you take a bite."

I cut off a piece from the pork chop and took a bite. "Ugh…" I grimaced.

A look of concern entered his eyes. “I don’t usually cook, but I wanted to do something special for you. At least you know I’ll do anything for you,” he began.

I could not go on with the joke. "It tastes great, actually," I replied, laughing as I took another bite and a drink of the wine. "You did very well, Jacob. I must confess."

"I learned a few things from Greta," he said, referring to his nanny from childhood. He had adoration in his eyes whenever he spoke of her. We talked about how each other’s week went, discovering that we both had been waiting for this moment. "This weekend, I'm going to remind you why I'm your man, and I’ll repay you for joking about my food," he said, chiming my glass with his.

"Oh…" I scraped empty plate, stuffed. "What do you say, if we just put the dishes in the sink and tomorrow I help you wash them? Right now, I want to be wrapped up with you, getting punished for my stunning sense of humor."

"You read my mind."

I leaned across the table. "Can you read mine?" I asked, teasing him with a grin.

"You're thinking something naughty. And naughty girls learn the hard way."