"I didn’t expect you to bring Jacob?" Montie said sarcasm thick in his voice.

"You know, Montie, if I didn’t know better I would think that you were up to something," I spat.

He laughed. "Ridiculous."

"Is it?" I asked, looking back to Montana who was sleeping soundly. "Are you sure you didn’t just hope you would ruin tonight for me and that’s why you called?" I walked over and brushed my hand against her forehead. She was warm, but she didn’t have a fever.

"I wouldn’t do that," he said defensively.

“I’m not so sure about that.”

"I called you, because she wanted you. You took so long that she fell asleep. She can stay since she is sleeping, but I don’t want her to wake up again and cry for you."

I shook my head. "You don’t have to worry abo

ut that. I’m taking her anyway." I leaned down and whispered in her ear, "Montana…baby girl."

"Mommy?" Her eyes fluttered open, and she held her arms out for me to pick her up. She nestled against my neck and drifted back to sleep.

"While I get her ready, go get Junior."

"What? Junior is staying with me. He’s fine."

I thought it was crazy to argue the point and just dropped it. I carried Montana out to the living room, where I waited for Montie to rejoin us.

Jacob felt her forehead and a look of concern crossed his face. "She’s warm," he whispered.

"Yes, she is," I said touching her forehead again.

"I heard you fussing back there. Is everything okay with you and Montie?"

I nodded, seeing Montie coming down the hallway with Montana's bag.

"Yeah, everything is just fine. You don’t have to question her about what she and I talk about. That’s between me and Destiny," Montie answered Jacob for me, sounding pissed. "Stay in your own lane."

Jacob calmly walked over to Montie and stood face to face with him. "It seems that you're the one misunderstanding a few things. This…" he turned around and pointed to me with Montana in my arms, "…is my lane. Whatever concerns Destiny, is a major concern of mine and that includes Montie Jr. and Montana."

Montie looked was ready to come back at Jacob, and Jacob didn’t look ready to back down. Junior's tiny voice broke into the duel.

"Mommy?" I turned to see Junior standing beside his dad.

"Junior, what are you doing up?" I said as Jacob took a deep breath and walked away from Montie. They were still silently challenging one another.

"What are you doing here, Mommy?" Junior asked, ignoring my question.

"Montana wasn’t feeling good, so I’m taking her home. You’re going to stay and have a wonderful time with Daddy tomorrow." I was trying to sound cheerful for Montie’s sake, but I saw the look on Junior’s face as he puckered his lips.

“I want to go home too,” he pouted.

"Don’t cry, Junior," I said. “It’s still your father’s weekend time.”

"I want to go with you, though," Junior said after a few hard sniffles.

Montie glared at me and I shrugged. It wasn’t my fault our kids didn’t want to stay with him. I couldn’t tell Junior he couldn’t go home.

"Go put your shoes on, Junior," I said, and he disappeared back in his room. "I’m sorry, Montie. I couldn’t tell him that he couldn’t go home. Why don’t we just switch weekends? You can have the kids next weekend."

"That won’t work. I have to go out of town for work."