“Saw that one too,” Junior said.

Montie looked at me, and I shrugged. If he wanted to be a good father to his kids, he had to step his game up, because Jacob was bringing it in a major way. I leaned down and kissed my babies, and waved as they left the house.

"Have a good time," I said.


Jacob arrived an hour later and I was still reeling over the indecency of Montie’s concerns. When I opened the door, I was relieved to see him. I pulled him into the house and wrapped my arms around him, kissing his hot lips.

"God, I needed that," I moaned, smiling up at him. "You have no idea how much."

"Me too," he replied. "You know we could forfeit dinner and go straight for dessert," he winked at me, moving in for another kiss.

"As much as that sounds appetizing, I have been looking forward to getting out of the house for some adult interaction. How about we make it short and sweet?"

He groaned but nodded. "I guess I’ll have to hang in there. You hear that man?" he said gesturing to the hard steel beneath his slacks.

"I know, it’s a terrible life,” I laughed. “Let me grab my purse."

When I got back to the door, he brushed his tongue against my lips. "This better be short, or else I’m going to punish you when we get back," he spoke raggedly.

“Well, what’s a girl to do with that type of threat?” I bit down on my lip and reveled in his challenge. “Who knows, I might just take my punishment.” I winked.

“Keep looking at me like that and I bet you won’t make it to the damn car.” He opened the door and pulled me to him and our bodies melded as one. His hands snaked down my back and palmed an ass full of cheeks. He pulled me closer to him, as if it were even possible. “I can’t wait to make love to you,” he muttered into the fold of my neck, where he left a trail of butterfly kisses.

After spinning my world out of control, he took my hand and escorted me to the car. Well, I floated behind him like an intoxicated sailor.

On the road to the restaurant, I found myself watching him. I loved him and I didn’t care who knew it. The fact that my ex got me so riled up about it bothered me, but I was glad Montie knew that I was in love with Jacob.

"I love you, you know that, right?" I asked him.

“Yes, and you know how much I do love you."

I nodded and gazed out the window. No other words needed saying. I reached over and grabbed his hand. We held hands the rest of the way to the restaurant. When we arrived, we went inside and they immediately sat us. It was my first time at Bacchanalia's. Therefore, Jacob placed our orders.

"I love the way you decorated my bedroom. You captured exactly what I wanted," he said making a note of the vintage American soldier pictures I framed to match his bedroom set. I found a commemorative US flag quilt for his bed to match.

"I'm glad you like it. It's been a while since you told me you wanted those pictures, so I knew you would be surprised when I went over today while you were in your meeting to put them up," I said, enjoying the glee in his eyes.

"I really was surprised, especially with the picture of my great grandfather in his uniform. That one got to me," Jacob said, staring at me for a long time. "I'm a lucky man to have found someone like you. I don’t ever intend to let you go, not for any reason. I want you to be mine, forever."

“Whoa, I think I’m the lucky one. I'm just honored to be able to get something as memorable as those pictures done for you. You work hard and you deserve special things. It made me happy to do it," I replied, taking a drink of water. I had to take in the fact that Jacob just admitted to wanting me forever…like every day for the rest of his life. He’d told me before how he felt, but I believed what he’d just said like I believed in air to breathe. "How’s the opening of the Delaware office going?" I asked, changing the subject.

"It's coming along; should be happening by the end of the month," he smiled, showing his pretty whites through his gorgeous beard.

"That’s great news. Is everything still good with you working out of Atlanta? I mean, I know they miss you at the Miami headquarters," I fished for his feelings about the move.

"With me being here, we've had a spike in Georgia business and Miami is still strong, so it’s a win-win financially."

“Why do I hear a but in your answer?”

“Sales increases are wonderful, but the downside is that headquarters is in Miami, so I’ll be doing a lot of travel. I just want you to be aware of that, but I have no intention of leaving Atlanta, unless you and the kids are with me." His intense glare sent butterflies moving through my stomach.

“I’m fine with travel, as long as I know you’re coming back.”

“You’ll never have to worry about that…ever.” A sexy but dangerous look entered his eyes. “Why are you questioning whether I’m staying in Atlanta? Did Montie get out of line today when he picked up the kids?" he asked.

“I don’t really want to talk about him." The waiter brought our food, while Jacob was giving me a concerned look. I took a bite of my salad.