I hugged her neck and said, "Good job, sweetie. Hey, you know who’s in the waiting room and wanting to see you?"

She shook her head. “No.”


Her eyes got big. "Acob here?"

"How about you let me hold my own daughter, before you go throwing his name around?" Montie said sarcastically.

“You’re too much,” I said underneath my breath and rolled my eyes at Montie. I leaned down and kissed Montana’s forehead. "I’ll go get Jacob and let him come in for a few minutes."

Before I left out the room, I heard Montie say, "Montana, I’m sorry that you fell and hurt yourself, but I’m glad you’re better. Daddy loves you."

"I wub you, Daddy."

When I walked back into the room with Jacob and Junior, Montie hugged Montana. Her eyes lit up when Montie stepped away and she could see Jacob.


"That’s some bandage you have there," he said, leaning over the bed and hugging her. "Did it hurt?"

"Not weally," she spoke.

"As soon as the doctor lets you go, we’ll grab a bite to eat," I interrupted. I smiled, seeing how relaxed everyone was, until I looked at Montie.

"Yay!" the kids said in unison.

I laughed.

“I’ll see you guys next weekend,” Montie said and waved as he walked out the door.

> "You’re not going to eat with us?" I asked, catching up to him in the hallway.

He smirked. "Nah, I don’t really have an appetite to sit anywhere chumming it up with you, the kids, and Jacob. That’s a little overcrowded, don’t you think?"

"Suit yourself." I shrugged. “I was only trying to be polite.”

“Yeah, keep telling yourself that.”

“What’s your issue, Montie?”

“Just enjoy your dinner, Destiny.”



No Boundaries

Over the next few months, Jacob spent every chance he could with the kids and me, buying gifts and taking us places I never dreamed of going, like an impromptu midday trip to San Antonio just to ride the river boats. We were back in Atlanta before nightfall that day and I enjoyed every minute of it. The kids were comfortable around him, which made me feel good about opening up to him.

As much as I wanted to be in Jacob's my arms and share my nights with him, we made a pledge not to move in together until we were married. I didn’t like when my kids went to their father’s house, but I was excited for quality time with Jacob.

Friday rolled around, and the doorbell rang all too soon. The kids were busy watching cartoons, as I went to the door to greet my ex. He wore a smug smile, when I welcomed him inside.

"The kids are ready and—” I began. He put up his hand to stop me.

"Before I grab them and leave, can we talk?"