"Destiny, I’m sorry we weren’t paying attention to them, but she could’ve had the accident either way," Montie reasoned.

I glared at him. "That’s not the point. We should’ve never been in this situation to start with. We’re divorced, and as far as I am concerned, nothing has changed. If I weren’t distracted by you today, I would have been by her side the entire time."

My phone rang, and I glanced at the caller ID. Jacob’s number lit up, as if he had intuition enough to know that I needed to hear from him at that very moment.

"I’ll be back," I mumbled and glanced at Junior, "Do you mind watching him?"

"He's my son; of course not," Montie said with an incredulous look on his face.

“Good.” I got up and headed around the corner. "Hello?" I answered the phone, my voice crackling as if I were going cry at any moment.

"Destiny?" Jacob said my name, and a whirlwind of emotions swept up inside of me causing me to sob. "Baby, what’s wrong? Talk to me," Jacob insisted.

"I just glad to hear from you," I said above a sniffle. "You won’t believe the horrible day I’ve had. Montie came over, and we all went to the park, and then…"

"Wait a minute. Montie went with you to the park?" he asked, cutting into my rambling.

"Yes. The kids wanted him to, but that’s not the worst part. We were arguing and I lost track of Montana until she screamed after falling off the merry-go-round. She has a big cut on her face, and we’re at the emergency room now. She has to get stitches. It’s a nice-sized cut, so I hope her face heals. God, I hope it’s not permanent." I controlled my erratic breaths as I continued. "Sorry, I sound like a blubbering idiot. I wasn’t expecting you to call. What were you calling for?"

There was a long hesitation on the other end. "I just had an inkling that I needed to see how you were doing. Now, I know why. I want to be there for you, Destiny, but I’m sure Montie is there and I don’t want to get in the way of your family. But all you have to do is tell me you want me to come to the hospital."

"Do what you feel is right, Jacob."

“What do you mean by that?”

“I mean, I just told you what happened. I shouldn’t have to tell you what to do next.”

"You don’t have to, baby. I’m on my way." He ended the call.

I went back to the waiting room and sat down, feeling better already.

The doctor came out of the room and I quickly stood up. "Thanks for being patient with us. It’s sometimes easier to do these procedures when parents aren’t in the room, and especially in Montana’s case where she wanted you to hold her. She was calmer once you left out. At any rate, she has twelve stitches. It was a deep cut; however, I’m confident scarring will be minimal."

"Thank you so much for taking good care of our daughter," I said, breathing a sigh of relief as I glanced at Montie.

“Accidents like this happen all the time, and it’s our pleasure to be able to help. You may go in and sit with Montana, while the nurse gets your discharge instructions on how to care for the stitches ready,” the doctor said before he went back through the same door from which he had come.

Montie Sr. gawked and asked, "Why’s he here?"

My attention went to the entrance and I smiled when I saw Jacob walking toward us. "I asked him to come. Thank you so much for coming right away, Jacob. I was just getting ready to go back to check on Montana. The doctor says we can be with her now."

"Of course, I’m here, babe," Jacob said.

"Jacob!" Junior ran to him and threw his arms around Jacob.

I couldn’t help but look at Montie who let out a loud huff. Irritation rippled through his eyes as he stood there fuming.

"Let’s go check on Montana," Jacob said.

I wanted Jacob by my side, but Montie wasn’t going for it. "They only allow two people back at a time," said Montie.

"Oh, no problem. I’ll wait out here with Junior, while you two go back," Jacob said, understanding. I gave him a gracious look, as Montie and I headed through the double doors to Montana’s room.

She jumped up and down when we entered. "Mommy…Daddy…I hungry."

I laughed, thankful to see that she was fine. "We’ll get you something to eat as soon as you get out of here. The doctor said you got your stitches like a big girl. Let me see them," I lifted her chin.

“I did it like a big girl, like you told me to, mama.”