"Everything’s fine now that she is gone. Make sure security knows that she's not allowed on the property anymore," I said.

"Yes, sir," Wanda replied. She went to her desk, leaving me to make sense of the mess that had become of a lifelong friendship.



Sunday Surprise

That next Sunday, I got up and got ready for church. I wished the kids were home to go with me, but their dad had taken them since he had to cut his last weekend short. Jacob was in Miami handling business. He had been gone since Monday and we hadn’t talked much. He had a lot to catch up with at his office. However, after the first full day passed without a call, my mind kept telling me he was with Justine.

I whipped into the crowded church parking lot, hoping a little spiritual cleansing would clear those negative thoughts from my mind. But, when I walked in and saw all of the couples together, I only thought about Jacob more. I shook the pastor’s hand and entered the sanctuary. My eyes scanned the pews from the front to the back, looking for a good seat. My jaw dropped open and I gasped, when Jacob stood up from a seat in the back and waved at me.

“I definitely wasn’t expecting to see you here. What are you doing here?" I asked when I reached him.

"Wait a minute. Is that how you greet me?”

“No, it’s just that…” I paused. “You’re here.”

“Can’t a guy attend church without being questioned?" Jacob joked.

"I guess so, but you’re supposed to be in Miami," I prodded, while wrapping my mind around the surprise of seeing him.

He slipped his han

d into mine. “No, I’m right where I’m supposed to be, Destiny.”

“I’m glad you came,” I smiled and took the seat beside him.

We read along with the scripture and sang along with the hymns. It felt like we were an actual family and the only thing missing was my two kids. Still, the thought of Jacob being with Justine when he was in Miami invaded my mind as the pastor began benediction.

"Want to go get a bite to eat?" Jacob asked, when service was over.

"Yeah, I would like that."

"Great, we can take my car and I’ll bring you back to get yours when we’re done."

"That’s fine with me."

We rode to the restaurant in comfortable silence. He pulled into the parking lot of Tazi's and I glanced at the smile on his face. "I figure this is as good a place as any to go. Ever been?" he asked, shooting me a teasing grin.

"Once or twice."

“Would you like to share a chocolate dessert with me?”

“I would love that.”

He opened my door and we headed into the restaurant. He got us a table and we took our seats. We had been there enough that neither one of us needed to look in a menu when we placed our orders. I glanced around the restaurant, taking in the familiar scenery before turning back to face him. His eyes focused on me.

"Seeing you at church today was a shocker. I don’t believe this is real, right now."

"I told you I'm wherever you are, so if you’re at church, I’m at church. I’m all in, and this is just another step in that direction," he said confidently.

"Bringing me to Tazi's, is that also to show me that you’re all in?" I asked, remembering our first encounter with a devilish grin splayed across my face.

"Well…that and the fact that someone hooked me on the three-layer chocolate mousse cake. From that day forward, I will never look at chocolate the same," he teased, biting down on his bottom lip.

"Hmm…" I said, tapping my finger on the table. "Is this someone I know?"