As I watched this perfectly sculptured, almond milk colored man walk away, I looked at my darker thighs that had lines of cellulite from when I was heavier, dimples and other imperfections. I sat up on the sofa and pulled the robe tight around my body.

"What are you doing?" he asked as he walked back to me.

"It’s cold in here. I just need to stay covered up," I lied while avoiding his gaze.

As he applied his condom, he continued to study me.

"Cold?" he said as he walked over to the temperature gauge and turned on the heat. He came back to me, took me by the hand and walked me to the bed. Standing in front of the bed, he kissed me so sweetly that I moaned recklessly into his throat.

This. Us. He was confusing to me. I could’ve easily gotten it twisted and thought he actually gave a damn about me, if he kissed me like that one more time. I couldn’t resist my blazing attraction to him, and that was dangerous.

I didn’t even notice him removing my robe again, until he threw it across the room, as if he never wanted to see it again.

"I want to look at you while I make love to you," he said as he laid me down on the bed.

I scooted to the center of the massive bed and opened my legs wide enough to accept him. He crawled on top of me and pushed my legs back further with his arms.

"Oh!" I screamed when he entered me with precision, ripping my canal open without warning.

"Shit, you're tight," he said, as my body gave way to the pressure of his size. Within seconds, he possessed me with every slow and deliberate stroke. I quivered with every thrust, with what seemed to be a constant orgasm.

"What the hell are you doing to me?” I managed to ask between the jerking and quivering that once again, had, taken over my body.

He sucked a pebbled nipple into his mouth.

I trembled and released the hardest orgasm known to women. My release covered his condom clad dick and spilled over onto the bed. He bucked relentlessly inside of me, as my vaginal muscles contracted and released him uncontrollably.

"Oh, shit you’re taking this cum from me. I'm coming right with you, baby! Ugh!" he said and collapsed down on top of me, holding me in place, as he jerked out his release.

“Oh, Jacob,” I moaned my pleasures as I watched this amazing creature’s body move in awe.

"Stay with me tonight, Destiny.”




Earlier that day, before I “fell in bed with Jacob,” I walked out of Tazi's Cafe in downtown Atlanta, with a piping hot cup of coffee in my hand. Jacob approached the store walking with a measured stride. My surprised brown eyes zoned in on his soft, hazel green gaze. But that wasn’t all that had my attention. It was the gush of fresh air flowing alongside him, captivating me.

"Here, let me get that for you," he said, handing me my briefcase that had, unbeknownst to me, fallen from my hand. His gesture of kindness snapped me out of the stupor I had fallen in to.


I looked like a bumbling idiot in front of a guy who had surely just stepped out of a sexy male catalogue.

"Thank you. I can be so clumsy at times," I told him, scrambling to retrieve my belongings from his outstretched hand.

A handsome smile spread across his broad face, as my hand touched his. “It’s not a problem. It’s always my pleasure to help a pretty lady.”

I smiled. "I’m on my lunch break and was rushing to get back. I’m so sorry," I added, embarrassed.

"No need to apologize. The pleasure truly is all mine," he said as his tongue slid noticeably across his lips. His gaze was piercing as he ran his eyes over my body, inch by inch. Tazi’s was a small joint with a house full of regulars, so to see an unfamiliar face, his unfamiliar face, was refreshing.

"I haven’t seen you here before. Do you work downtown?” I asked.

"I'm from Atlanta, but I live in Florida. I’m only in town for a few days visiting my grandmother at her retirement home. And, she told me that I had to check out Tazi before I left Atlanta, so…" He humped his shoulders. "Here I am. What do you suggest off the menu?” He ran a hand through his silky, dark brown hair, as his eyes fixated on me, awaiting a response.